实用 Clojure:宏和 Java 互操作

Practical Clojure: macros and Java interop

Practical Clojure 关于 Java 互操作的章节中,作者注意到以下关于 Java 互操作 "syntactic sugar"(例如 (.method object arguments) 而不是 (. object method arguments)):

Since these “syntactic sugar” expansions happen in the same compilation phase as macro-expansion, macros that do complex code-generation may need to avoid them and use the new and . (dot) special forms directly.

我不明白为什么 "syntactic sugar" 扩展发生在与宏扩展相同的阶段是一个问题。是不是展开的顺序可能有问题?


(defmacro call [obj method & args]
  `(~(symbol (str "." (name method))) ~obj ~@args))


(defmacro call [obj method & args]
  `(. ~obj ~method ~@args))