为什么我的 Tutum 服务启动后会在 2 秒内以容器状态 "die" 命令停止?

Why is my Tutum service starting then within 2 seconds stopping with a container status "die" command?

我是 运行 来自 Docker Hub on Tutum 的自定义存储库,正在尝试启动服务。我得到一个服务启动,但 1-2 秒后,它收到一个 Container status die 命令。我不明白为什么。

Received event 'die' from node 31b3f894-a0b9-494e-bca0-9212b642dd15.node.dockerapp.io for container api-1: Running
Changing container state from 'Running' to 'Stopped'
Checking triggers
Container has no triggers

我从 Docker Cloud(以前称为 Tutum)支持部门得到了答复。

When the process started inside a container exits for whatever reason, the container is then considered "exited". Docker cloud shows this service as "stopped" once it sees the container is no longer running.
