
CVS log date format configuration

我正在研究 CVS 日志 reader 以对格式进行一些验证。 CVS 迁移后,出现以下错误:

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2011/05/30 08:27:24"

经过调查,我认为 CVS 日志文件中的日期格式已从 YYYY-MM-dd 更改为 YYYY/MM/dd。由于验证失败。

CVS 日志的早期格式是

RCS file: /opt/cvsrepositories/demo/Demo/source/demo_search/.classpath,v
Working file: source/demo_search/.classpath
head: 1.1
locks: strict
access list:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 1; selected revisions: 1
revision 1.1
date: 2014-07-14 09:50:57 +0000;  author: Dev.User;  state: Exp;  commitid: 62ee53c3a7d54567;
first version of the search module


RCS file: /opt/cvsrepositories/demo/Demo/source/demo_search/.classpath,v
Working file: source/demo_search/.classpath
head: 1.1
locks: strict
access list:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 1; selected revisions: 1
revision 1.1
date: 2014/07/14 09:50:57 +0000;  author: Dev.User;  state: Exp;  commitid: 62ee53c3a7d54567;
first version of the search module



如果您正在开发 reader,您需要使用这样的解析器:

 String strDate = "2011/05/30 08:27:24";
 SimpleDateFormat parserSDF=new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY/mm/dd HH:mm:ss");
 Date date = parserSDF.parse(formattedDate);


    private final static SimpleDateFormat OLD_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    private final static SimpleDateFormat NEW_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

    public static Date parseDate(String date){
           Date parsedDate;
           try {
               log.debug("Try to parse date using old format");
               parsedDate = OLD_FORMAT.parse(date);
               log.debug("Parsed date using old format");
          } catch (ParseException e) {
               log.debug("Failed while parsed date using old format");
               try {
                   log.debug("Try to parse date using new format");
                   parsedDate = NEW_FORMAT.parse(date);
                   log.debug("Parsed date using new format");
               } catch (ParseException e) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("Format of 'date' parameter must be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
          return parsedDate;

经过进一步调查,我发现问题出在 CVS 版本上。迁移的机器的版本为 1.11.x 但是,早期机器的 cvs 版本为 1.12.x。更新版本后,问题已解决。

因为最新版本支持date as in ISO8601 format。 CVSROOT\config
