
If two objects are declared in a single line, in which order are they constructed?

假设 class 被定义为

class A {


A a,b;

ab 的创建顺序是什么?是标准定义的吗?

a 将首先创建,然后 b.

在这种情况下,逗号 将用作分隔符 而不是运算符。


      *  Commas act as separators in this line, not as an operator.
      *  Results: a=1, b=2, c=3, i=0
     int a=1, b=2, c=3, i=0;


comma operator and declarators

来自 8 个声明者 [dcl.decl] 3:

Each init-declarator in a declaration is analyzed separately as if it was in a declaration by itself.


A declaration with several declarators is usually equivalent to the corresponding sequence of declarations each with a single declarator. That is T D1, D2, ... Dn; is usually equivalent to T D1; T D2; ... T Dn; where T is a decl-specifier-seq and each Di is an init-declarator. An exception occurs when a name introduced by one of the declarators hides a type name used by the decl-specifiers, so that when the same decl-specifiers are used in a subsequent declaration, they do not have the same meaning.


C++ 规范第 8 章 [[=​​22=]],说:

Each init-declarator in a declaration is analyzed separately as if it was in a declaration by itself. (100)

脚注 (100) 继续说:

(100) A declaration with several declarators is usually equivalent to the corresponding sequence of declarations each with a single declarator. That is

T D1, D2, ... Dn;

is usually equivalent to

 T D1; T D2; ... T Dn;

...然后列出一些例外情况,none 其中适用于这种简单的情况。



Declarators [dcl.decl]:
Each init-declarator in a declaration is analyzed separately as if it was in a declaration by itself.


class A {
    A(std::string const &s): name(s) 
        std::cout << "I am " << name << '\n'; 
    std::string name;

auto main() -> int
    A a("a"), b("b");


I am a
I am b