如何推入我的分支并从 master git 拉取

how to push in my branch and pull from master git


git add [file names]
git commit [comments]
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout [my branch]
git merge master
git push



# Add the desired files to stage area
git add [file names]

# commit the changes
git commit [comments]

# switch to master branch
git checkout master

# git pull
# This is dangerous !!! if you are using git version <2.0



# Commit changes to your local branch 

# pull changes from the remote branch to your branch
# since you are already on your branch - you dont need to switch 
# to master branch. Simply grab the remote copy and merge it into
# your local branch using the pull command.
git pull origin master

# now your changes are merged with master
git push origin <branch_name>