异步断言未在 scalatest 中触发

Asynchronous assertion is not firing in scalatest


import anorm._
import org.scalatestplus.play._
import play.api.db.DB

class Housekeeping extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite {

    // Make sure the test database is loaded
    "test connection to test database" in {

        DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
            SQL("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE ID = 1").withResult(res => {
                val row = res.head.row
                val name = row.asMap("accounts.name")
                println(name)               // Prints to console
                name mustEqual "this should fail"
                println("HERE")             // Never prints to console


[info] Housekeeping:
[info] - application - Creating Pool for datasource 'default'
[info] - test connection to test database
[info] - application - Shutting down connection pool.


类似 this 的东西可以帮助:

import org.scalatest._
import concurrent.AsyncAssertions

import anorm._
import org.scalatestplus.play._
import play.api.db.DB

class Housekeeping extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with AsyncAssertions {

    // Make sure the test database is loaded
    "test connection to test database" in {
        val w = new Waiter
        DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
            SQL("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE ID = 1").withResult(res => {
                val row = res.head.row
                val name = row.asMap("accounts.name")
                println(name)               // Prints to console
                w { name mustEqual "this should fail" }

您的问题是 scalatest 没有收到 mustEqual 引发的异常,因为它是异步抛出的。

实际上 WaiterPromise 的一种包装器(所以你必须做 dismiss() 才能完成它)并且 w.await() 只是等待它并且将异常从 w{...} 重定向到 scalatest 的线程。