OpenFileDialog() - 如何根据文件过滤器设置 MultiSelect 选项?

OpenFileDialog() - How to set the MultiSelect option based on the file filter?

OpenFileDialog() - 如何设置基于文件过滤器的多选选项?

我的 OpenFileDialog 可以 select 2 种类型的文件。这是使用的过滤器:

"LFA or log files (.lfa, .log)|.lfa;.log"

MultiSelect 属性 设置为 false。

新要求更改为:应允许用户 select 多个日志文件,但只能有一个 LFA 文件。

如果我将 MultiSelect 设置为 true,它将允许 select 多个日志和 lfa 文件。



dlgFileBrowse.FileOk += (s,e) => {
   var dlg = s as OpenFileDialog;
   if (dlg == null) return;
   if (!IsValidFileSelectiom(dlg.FileNames))
      // Or whatever
      MessageBox.Show("Please select one log/lfa file or multiple log files.");
      e.Cancel = true;



        // Set filter for file extension and default file extension
        dlgFileBrowse.DefaultExt = ".log";
        dlgFileBrowse.Filter = "LFA or log files (.lfa, .log)|*.lfa;*.log";
        dlgFileBrowse.Title = "Select one LFA/Log file or multiple log files.";
        dlgFileBrowse.InitialDirectory = UserSettingsHelper.GetLastBrowsedPath();
       // Allow user to select multiple log files.
        dlgFileBrowse.Multiselect = true;

这就是我调用 OpenBrowse 对话框的方式。

if (dlgFileBrowse.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            // Validate the file selection.
            if (IsValidFileSelectiom(dlgFileBrowse.FileNames))
                // Processing my files here.
                // Display selection criterion.
                this.UiMessage = "Please select one log/lfa file or multiple log files.";


public bool IsValidFileSelection(string[] fileNames)
        bool isValid = false;

        // There is no need to check the file types here.
        // As it is been restricted by the openFileBrowse

        if (fileNames != null && fileNames.Count() > 0)
            if (fileNames.Count() == 1) // can be one .lfa file of one .log file
                isValid = true;
                // If multiple files are there. none shoulf be of type .lfa
                isValid = ! fileNames.Any( f => Path.GetExtension(f) == IntegoConstants.Lfa_Extension);

        return isValid;

这涉及到最终用户的往返。如果可以在 OpenFileDialog 中完成此验证,那就更好了。但不幸的是,我没有看到任何解决方法。