Backbone: LayoutView 需要监听 Co​​llectionView 中的 ItemView

Backbone: LayoutView needs to listenTo a ItemView inside a CollectionView

我正在尝试使用 Backbone 中的 listenTo 方法来监听子视图、集合视图以及集合视图父 LayoutView 中的触发器。

从 google 搜索很多人提到在 backbone 中使用库来嵌套对象,但我正在尝试弄清楚这样做的标准方法是什么。

为了更清楚,我的问题是: 如何让我的 childView (ItemDetailsView) 中的触发器冒泡到父 LayoutView (MyItemsList.Layout)

      var ItemDetailsView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
          template: JST["items/item"],
          tagName: "li",
          className: "item",

          events: {
              "click @ui.btn": "callTrigger"

          callTrigger: function() {

      var ItemListView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
           tagName: "ul",
           childView: itemDetailsView

      MyItemsList.Layout = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
          template: JST["items/current-items"],
          tagName: "section",
          className: "current-items",

          onShow: function() {
               var listCollection = this.model.currentListCollection;
               var listView = new MyListView({
                    collection: listCollection

               this.listenTo(listView.collection, "hello:world", _.bind(function() {
                    console.log("I heard that!")
               }, this));


使用 CollectionView ( 的 childEvents 属性。


  var ItemDetailsView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
      template: JST["items/item"],
      tagName: "li",
      className: "item",

      events: {
          "click @ui.btn": "callTrigger"

      callTrigger: function() {

  var ItemListView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
       tagName: "ul",
       childView: itemDetailsView,
       // This callback will be called whenever a child is rendered or emits a `render` event
       childEvents: {
          "hello:world": function() {
            console.log("a childView said hello world!");

  MyItemsList.Layout = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
      template: JST["items/current-items"],
      tagName: "section",
      className: "current-items",

      onShow: function() {
           var listCollection = this.model.currentListCollection;
           var listView = new MyListView({
                collection: listCollection

           this.listenTo(listView, "child:hello:world", _.bind(function() {
                console.log("I heard that!")
           }, this));
