SKVideoNode.pause() 不暂停视频

SKVideoNode.pause() not pausing video

我有一个 SKVideoNode,就像这样 -

let path = "videoURL";
let url = NSURL(string: path);
let asset = AVURLAsset(URL: url!,options: nil);
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset);
let playerThree = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem);
let videoNode = SKVideoNode(AVPlayer: playerThree);

我想在按下按钮时暂停,按钮看起来像这样 -

var isPausedThreeSixty : Bool = false;

@IBAction func threesixty(sender: AnyObject){
    if (videoPlayer == 1) { // check if video player is the 360 videoplayer
        if(isPausedThreeSixty == false){ //check if video is paused, if not pause video on click
            videoNode?.pause(); // pause video node
            print("pause player");
            isPausedThreeSixty == true;
        }else{ //if app runs else, video is paused, proceed to unpause.
            print("play player");
            isPausedThreeSixty = false;

我的代码确实打印了 pause playerplay player 但它不会暂停视频,我还读到我应该暂停 AVPlayer,但是当调用 playerThree.pause(); 视频也没有暂停。

见 - How do I control playback of a video in an iOS Sprite Kit SKVideoNode?

AVPlayer play SKVideoNode video ,I just can not control the playback

为什么多个 SO 答案都说在 SKVideoNode 上调用 有效,即使在实现它时,它实际上并没有起作用。


请参阅 - 根据此 post AVPlayer 速率正在被覆盖,因此无法暂停 SKVideoNode。

我不得不暂停 AVPlayerItem 所以 -

