使用 pandas read_csv 读取此制表符分隔文件时丢失行

Rows are lost when reading this tab-separated file with pandas read_csv

我有一个具有以下格式的 .text 文件,其中字段(索引号、名称和消息)由 \t 分隔(制表符分隔):

712 ben     Battle of the Books
713 james   i used to be in TOM
714 tomy    i was in BOB once
715 ben Tournaments of Minds
716 tommy    Also the Lion in the upcoming school play
717 tommy   Can you guess
718 tommy    P

我用 read_csv 读入数据框:

 chat = pd.read_csv("f.text", sep = "\t", header = None, usecols = [2])

但是数据框只有 9812 行,而普通文件有超过 12428 行(只有 21 行空行)。这很奇怪。你有什么主意吗?谢谢。

我认为你需要添加参数 quoting:

import csv

chat = pd.read_csv("f.text",sep = "\t", header = None, usecols = [2], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)