pushsharp 2 在向苹果发送通知时引发异常 ios
pushsharp 2 fires an exception while sending notification to apple ios
我使用的是 PushSharp 2.0.4,它在向苹果发送通知时引发异常:
You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!
我注意到由于 Apple 证书政策的变化,我认为 pushsharp 2 中有一个硬编码值可以引用旧证书名称。
我现在不想转移到新的 pushsharp 3 版本,但我想在我的 pushsharp 2.0 代码中解决这个问题。
我认为更改应该在 ApplePushChannelSettings class:
private void CheckProductionCertificateMatching(bool production)
if (this.Certificate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("You must provide a Certificate to connect to APNS with!");
string name = this.Certificate.IssuerName.Name;
string name2 = this.Certificate.SubjectName.Name;
if (!name.Contains("Apple"))
throw new ArgumentException("Your Certificate does not appear to be issued by Apple! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (production && !name2.Contains("Apple Production IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Apple Push Services"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (!production && !name2.Contains("Apple Development IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Pass Type ID"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Development/Sandbox (Not production) server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Development/Sandbox certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (production && !name2.Contains("Apple Production IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Apple Push Services"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
我评论了 ApplePushChannelSettings.cs 中的一些行,这些行触发了异常,并且通知仅正确发送到 android 并且问题仍在 ios.
我找到了解决方案,它与 windows 上的证书配置有关。
首先你应该知道 apple 对其证书政策和行为做了一些小改动,所以你应该从 PushSharp 2 转换为 PushSharp 3,你会在我的回答中找到所有关于升级的信息:
此外,如果您有兴趣了解 apple 所做的更改以及它如何反映到 PushSharp 2,请检查:
我还使用 mmc 将证书从用户帐户证书更改为本地计算机证书,并且我禁用了模拟身份验证和上面答案中的全部详细信息,但我不想再次重复。
我使用的是 PushSharp 2.0.4,它在向苹果发送通知时引发异常:
You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!
我注意到由于 Apple 证书政策的变化,我认为 pushsharp 2 中有一个硬编码值可以引用旧证书名称。
我现在不想转移到新的 pushsharp 3 版本,但我想在我的 pushsharp 2.0 代码中解决这个问题。
我认为更改应该在 ApplePushChannelSettings class:
private void CheckProductionCertificateMatching(bool production)
if (this.Certificate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("You must provide a Certificate to connect to APNS with!");
string name = this.Certificate.IssuerName.Name;
string name2 = this.Certificate.SubjectName.Name;
if (!name.Contains("Apple"))
throw new ArgumentException("Your Certificate does not appear to be issued by Apple! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (production && !name2.Contains("Apple Production IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Apple Push Services"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (!production && !name2.Contains("Apple Development IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Pass Type ID"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Development/Sandbox (Not production) server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Development/Sandbox certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
if (production && !name2.Contains("Apple Production IOS Push Services") && !name2.Contains("Apple Push Services"))
throw new ArgumentException("You have selected the Production server, yet your Certificate does not appear to be the Production certificate! Please check to ensure you have the correct certificate!");
更新: 我评论了 ApplePushChannelSettings.cs 中的一些行,这些行触发了异常,并且通知仅正确发送到 android 并且问题仍在 ios.
我找到了解决方案,它与 windows 上的证书配置有关。
首先你应该知道 apple 对其证书政策和行为做了一些小改动,所以你应该从 PushSharp 2 转换为 PushSharp 3,你会在我的回答中找到所有关于升级的信息:
此外,如果您有兴趣了解 apple 所做的更改以及它如何反映到 PushSharp 2,请检查: apple-push-services-created-instead-of-apple-production-ios-push-services
我还使用 mmc 将证书从用户帐户证书更改为本地计算机证书,并且我禁用了模拟身份验证和上面答案中的全部详细信息,但我不想再次重复。