Live SDK 是否已弃用?

Is Live SDK deprecated?

据我了解 - Live SDK 支持 2 个主要功能: OneDrive 和 Microsoft 帐户

现在随着 OneDrive SDK 的发布,所有 OneDrive 功能都可以在其中找到。 但是如果你想访问微软账户,你仍然只能使用Live SDK。

似乎现在我们有 2 个分支 - Live SDK 和 OneDrive SDK。 一个用于帐户,另一个用于文件。
我问是因为有时它没有写清楚,看起来 live SDK 被贬低了。


The Live Connect APIs are deprecated. We recommend that you use the Outlook REST APIs to build your solutions. This will extend your reach to users and Office 365 enterprise customers. Although the Live Connect APIs will be supported in for the short term, existing Live Connect API solutions might stop working without advanced notice. If your app is using IMAP with OAuth 2.0, it will continue to work, but our REST APIs are the primary APIs for building apps that connect to and Office 365. Read the article on how you can take advantage of the Outlook REST APIs.