从 clojure ring 应用程序的日志中过滤敏感参数

Filter sensitive parameters from logs in clojure ring app

我在我的应用程序中使用 wrap-with-logger(来自 ring.middleware.logger) and wrap-params (from ring.middleware.params)中间件。有什么简单的方法可以从日志中过滤敏感参数(密码、信用卡号等)?

您可以实施自定义 pre-logger 以根据您的需要过滤请求。


(use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
(require '[ring.middleware.logger :as logger])

(defn handler [request]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
   :body "Hello World"})

  (fn [options req]
    ;; Filtering goes here
    (let [filtered-req (filter-sensitive-data req)]
      ((:info options) "Filtered requrest is: " filtered-req))))
 {:port 8080})

注意,虽然文档 claims that pre-logger accepts only one argument, truly it is two-arg function

您也可以考虑迁移到 ring-logger which includes a feature to redact sensitive information:

By default, ring-logger will redact an authorization header or any param named password (at any nesting level). If you want ring-logger to redact other params you can configure the redact-keys option:

   (wrap-with-logger app {:redact-keys #{:senha :token})

Ring-logger will walk through the params and headers and redact any key whose name is found in that redact-keys set.

还有 ring-logger-onelog that should make it very easy to migrate from ring.middleware.logger 到 ring-logger