将 Excel 个工作表另存为 HTML

Save Excel sheets as HTML

我正在尝试将工作簿(foobarbaz)中的每个 sheet 保存为单独的 HTML 文档(foo.html,bar.html,baz.html):

set theDirectory to (path to desktop as text) & "Output:"

set theSource to choose file with prompt "Choose file:" default location "/Users/<user>/Desktop/" of type {"XLS", "XLSX"}

tell application "Microsoft Excel"


    set theWorkbook to open theSource

    set theSheets to every sheet of active workbook

    repeat with theSheet in theSheets

        set theDestination to theDirectory & (the name of theSheet) & ".html"
        log theDestination

        tell theSheet
            save as sheet filename theDestination file format HTML file format
        end tell

    end repeat

    quit saving no

end tell




set theSource to choose file with prompt "Choose file:" default location (path to desktop) of type {"XLS", "XLSX"}
set theDestination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose destination folder:" default location path to desktop)
set thePath to (theDestination as text) & "data.HTML"

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    open theSource
    tell active workbook
        save as active sheet filename thePath file format HTML file format
    end tell
    quit saving no
end tell


  • 一个名为 data.HTML
  • 的文件
  • 一个名为 data_files 的文件夹,其中包含每个 sheet(sheet<NNN>.HTML)的文档,以及其他文件(filelist.xmlstylesheet.csstabstrip.html)