修改 DOM 以设置顺序标题的样式
Modifying DOM to style sequential headings
让我们从我的数据库 table 中的这个 html 开始:
<section id="love">
<h2 class="h2Article">III. Love</h2>
<div class="divArticle">
这是我通过 DOM 脚本 运行 后显示的样子:
<section id="love"><h2 class="h2Article" id="a3" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#b3">III. Love</h2>
<div class="divArticle collapse in article" id="b3">
<section id="love"><h2 class="h2Article" id="a3" data- toggle="collapse" data-target="#b3">
<span class="Article label label-primary">
<i class="only-collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"></i> III. Love</span></h2>
<div class="divArticle collapse in article" id="b3">
换句话说,DOM 赋予了它必要的功能,正确地按顺序为每个 id 编号。缺少的只是样式:
<span class="Article"><span class="label label-primary"><i class="only- collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i><i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"> </i> III. Love</span></span>
谁能告诉我如何添加该样式?当然,标题会改变(例如 III. Love,IV. Hate 等)。我在下面发布了我的 DOM 脚本:
$i = 1; // initialize counter
$dom = new DOMDocument;
@$dom->loadHTML($Content); // load the markup
$sections = $dom->getElementsByTagName('section'); // get all section tags
foreach($sections as $section) { // for each section tag
// get div inside each section
foreach($section->getElementsByTagName('h2') as $h2) {
if($h2->getAttribute('class') == 'h2Article') { // if this div has class maindiv
$h2->setAttribute('id', 'a' . $i); // set id for div tag
$h2->setAttribute('data-target', '#b' . $i);
foreach($section->getElementsByTagName('div') as $div) {
if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'divArticle') { // if this div has class divArticle
$div->setAttribute('id', 'b' . $i); // set id for div tag
if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'divClose') { // if this div has class maindiv
$div->setAttribute('data-target', '#b' . $i); // set id for div tag
$i++; // increment counter
// back to string again, get all contents inside body
$Content = '';
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
$Content .= $dom->saveHTML($child); // convert to string and append to the container
$Content = str_replace('data-target', 'data-toggle="collapse" data-target', $Content);
$Content = str_replace('<div class="divArticle', '<div class="divArticle collapse in article', $Content);
由于在本例中使用了 DOM Document 对象,因此可以使用 createElement 函数添加 HTML.
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$element = $dom->createElement('test', 'This is the root element!');
// We insert the new element as root (child of the document)
echo $dom->saveXML();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<test>This is the root element!</test>
如果没有 DOM 对象,您通常可以通过以下方式之一添加 PHP。
echo "<div>this method is often used for shorter pieces of HTML</div>";
?> <div> You can also escape out of HTML and then "turn" PHP back on like this </div> <?php
转义标记告诉计算机开始将所有内容视为 HTML 直到它看到另一个打开的 <?php
PHP 标记。
所以通常在 PHP 文件中你可以像这样添加 HTML。
<span class="Article">
<span class="label label-primary">
<i class="only- collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"></i>
III. Love
好吧,我想显而易见的解决方案是将标题包裹在可以用简单的 str_replace...
<h2><span class="Answer">IIII. Love</span></h2>
<h2>[]III. Love[]</h2>
让我们从我的数据库 table 中的这个 html 开始:
<section id="love">
<h2 class="h2Article">III. Love</h2>
<div class="divArticle">
这是我通过 DOM 脚本 运行 后显示的样子:
<section id="love"><h2 class="h2Article" id="a3" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#b3">III. Love</h2>
<div class="divArticle collapse in article" id="b3">
<section id="love"><h2 class="h2Article" id="a3" data- toggle="collapse" data-target="#b3">
<span class="Article label label-primary">
<i class="only-collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"></i> III. Love</span></h2>
<div class="divArticle collapse in article" id="b3">
换句话说,DOM 赋予了它必要的功能,正确地按顺序为每个 id 编号。缺少的只是样式:
<span class="Article"><span class="label label-primary"><i class="only- collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i><i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"> </i> III. Love</span></span>
谁能告诉我如何添加该样式?当然,标题会改变(例如 III. Love,IV. Hate 等)。我在下面发布了我的 DOM 脚本:
$i = 1; // initialize counter
$dom = new DOMDocument;
@$dom->loadHTML($Content); // load the markup
$sections = $dom->getElementsByTagName('section'); // get all section tags
foreach($sections as $section) { // for each section tag
// get div inside each section
foreach($section->getElementsByTagName('h2') as $h2) {
if($h2->getAttribute('class') == 'h2Article') { // if this div has class maindiv
$h2->setAttribute('id', 'a' . $i); // set id for div tag
$h2->setAttribute('data-target', '#b' . $i);
foreach($section->getElementsByTagName('div') as $div) {
if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'divArticle') { // if this div has class divArticle
$div->setAttribute('id', 'b' . $i); // set id for div tag
if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'divClose') { // if this div has class maindiv
$div->setAttribute('data-target', '#b' . $i); // set id for div tag
$i++; // increment counter
// back to string again, get all contents inside body
$Content = '';
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
$Content .= $dom->saveHTML($child); // convert to string and append to the container
$Content = str_replace('data-target', 'data-toggle="collapse" data-target', $Content);
$Content = str_replace('<div class="divArticle', '<div class="divArticle collapse in article', $Content);
由于在本例中使用了 DOM Document 对象,因此可以使用 createElement 函数添加 HTML.
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$element = $dom->createElement('test', 'This is the root element!');
// We insert the new element as root (child of the document)
echo $dom->saveXML();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<test>This is the root element!</test>
如果没有 DOM 对象,您通常可以通过以下方式之一添加 PHP。
echo "<div>this method is often used for shorter pieces of HTML</div>";
?> <div> You can also escape out of HTML and then "turn" PHP back on like this </div> <?php
转义标记告诉计算机开始将所有内容视为 HTML 直到它看到另一个打开的 <?php
PHP 标记。
所以通常在 PHP 文件中你可以像这样添加 HTML。
<span class="Article">
<span class="label label-primary">
<i class="only- collapsed fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<i class="only-expanded fa fa-remove"></i>
III. Love
好吧,我想显而易见的解决方案是将标题包裹在可以用简单的 str_replace...
修改的内容中<h2><span class="Answer">IIII. Love</span></h2>
<h2>[]III. Love[]</h2>