我想在 codeigniter 中使用点燃的数据表显示一些基于数据库值的值

I want to show some value based on database value using ignited datatable in codeigniter

在这段代码中,我将从数据库中获取值 1 或 0 的状态。如果状态值为一,我想显示活动,否则 inactive.Anybody 知道吗?


     public function datatable() {

 ->edit_column('status', '', $this->custom_status('status'));

            echo $this->datatables->generate();


function custom_status($val)
   return ($val == 1) ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';


但如果值为 1,则始终 return 'Inactive'。我不知道为什么


 public function datatable() {
/* Option 1 when you have 2 option */   
    ->select("prd_id,prd_name,IF(status = '1', 'Active', 'Inactive') as status")
 /* Option 2 when you have more then 2 option */   
    case jil_products.status
    when '1' then 'Active'
    when '2' then 'Inactive'
    when '3' then 'Suspended'
    end as status
   echo $this->datatables->generate();