git 预提交或更新挂钩,用于停止提交具有不区分大小写匹配的分支名称

git pre-commit or update hook for stopping commit with branch names having Case Insensitive match

有没有办法编写 git 预提交挂钩来停止具有相同名称的提交,唯一的区别是大小写。

分支名称 1 : firstBranch
分支名称 2:FirstBrancH
分支名称 3 : firsTbranch

但分支名称:firstbranchname 应该被允许。

如果在时间 T 完成分支名称 firstBranch 的提交,则在 T+n 提交分支名称 "FirstBrancH" 或任何组合,git pre-hook 不允许提交.这需要是一个服务器挂钩,因为客户端挂钩可以很容易地通过 pypassed。


所以我得到了提交到的分支的 $NAME ,然后将它与忽略 CASE 的所有分支进行比较,并通过消息使其失败 如果比赛通过。

我已经在 git 实验室服务器上设置了预接收挂钩:


check_dup_branch=`git branch -a | sed 's; remotes/origin/;;g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | uniq -d`
  if [ check_dup_branch ]
    echo "Duplicate CaseInsensitive Branch Name Detected"
    exit 1
exit 0


  1. 选择一个需要自定义 git 挂钩的项目。

  2. 在 GitLab 服务器上,导航到项目的存储库目录。对于源安装,路径通常是 /home/git/repositories//.git。对于 Omnibus 安装,路径通常是 /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories//.git.

  3. 在此位置创建一个名为 custom_hooks 的新目录。

  4. 在新的 custom_hooks 目录中,创建一个名称与挂钩类型匹配的文件。对于预接收挂钩,文件名应该是预接收的,没有扩展名。

  5. 使钩子文件可执行并确保它属于 git。

  6. 编写代码使 git 钩子函数按预期运行。钩子可以使用任何语言。确保顶部的 'shebang' 正确反映了语言类型。例如,如果脚本在 Ruby 中,shebang 可能是 #!/usr/bin/env ruby.


如果我按 aaa,当 AAA 已经在 gitlab 中时,会出现错误:

remote: Duplicate CaseInsensitive Branch Name Detected

但当我尝试推送分支 bbb

时,它也给了我相同的 "Duplicate" 消息


After a bit more study on git hooks:

ref: 如果您想根据具体情况接受或拒绝分支,则需要改用更新挂钩。


import sys
print "Testing pre-receive Hook in Python"

branch = sys.argv[1]

print "Branch '%s' pushing" %(branch)


git 推送来源 AAA

Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Testing pre-receive Hook in Python
remote: Branch 'refs/heads/AAA' pushing

现在我们必须比较 grep -i , git branch -a 并用 aaa 做一个 uniq -d ,在小写后所有分支




import sys
import subprocess

#print "Testing pre-receive Hook"

branch = sys.argv[1]
old_commit = sys.argv[2]
new_commit = sys.argv[3]

#print "Moving '%s' from %s to %s" % (branch, old_commit, new_commit)
#print "Branch '%s' pushing" %(branch)
#print "old_commit '%s' pushing" %(old_commit)
#print "new_commit '%s' pushing" %(new_commit)

def git(*args):
    return subprocess.check_call(['git'] + list(args))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #git("for-each-ref" , "refs/heads/" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")
    git("for-each-ref" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")

python 更新挂钩的进一步增强:

import sys
import subprocess

#print "Testing pre-receive Hook"

branch = sys.argv[1]
old_commit = sys.argv[2]
new_commit = sys.argv[3]

# order is important, for update hook: refname oldsha1 newsha1
print "Moving '%s' from %s to %s" % (branch, old_commit, new_commit)
print "Branch '%s' " %(branch)
print "old_commit '%s' " %(old_commit)
print "new_commit '%s' " %(new_commit)

def git(*args):
    return subprocess.check_call(['git'] + list(args))
    #if %(branch).lower() in []array of results from the git for-each-ref

def get_name(target):
    p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'for-each-ref', 'refs/heads/'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for line in p.stdout:
        sha1, kind, name = line.split()
        if sha1 != target:
        return name
    return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #git("for-each-ref" , "refs/heads/" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")
    #cmd = git("for-each-ref" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")
    cmd = git("for-each-ref" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")
    #print cmd
    #print get_name(branch)
    #print get_name(old_commit)
    print get_name(new_commit)

所以拒绝案例当然是比较当前的 %(branch) 或 % (refname:short) ,并以 IgnoreCase 方式将其与所有现有的 refnames 进行比较,如果找到( 1 或许多) 然后用消息 "Duplicate branch name"

执行 sys.exit(1)


remote: Moving 'refs/heads/IIII' from 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 4453eb046fe11c8628729d74c3bec1dd2018512e
remote: Branch 'refs/heads/IIII'
remote: old_commit '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
remote: new_commit '4453eb046fe11c8628729d74c3bec1dd2018512e'
remote: refs/heads/10B

不知何故遥控器:refs/heads/10B 保持静止。所以我不确定如何转换 :

cmd = git("for-each-ref" , "--format='%(refname:short)'")

放入列表或数组中,然后对每个元素做字符串比较,并 远程:分支 'refs/heads/IIII'


  • 在接收推送的服务器上,有两个钩子可以获取您需要的信息和可以拒绝推送的。这些是 pre-receiveupdate 钩子。

  • pre-receive 钩子在其标准输入中获取一系列格式如下的行:oldsha1 newsha1 refname。它应该通读所有这些行,处理它们并做出决定:接受(exit 0)或拒绝(exit nonzero)。退出非零将导致接收服务器拒绝 entire 推送。

  • 假设 pre-receive 挂钩(如果有)尚未拒绝整个推送: update 挂钩作为参数获取 refname oldsha1 newsha1 (注意不同的顺序,以及这些是参数的事实)。每个要更新的引用都会调用一次,即,如果 pre-receive 钩子扫描五行,则 update 钩子会被调用五次。 update 挂钩应检查其参数并决定是接受(退出 0)还是拒绝(退出非零)此 特定 引用更新。

  • 在所有情况下,refname 完全限定的 引用名称。这意味着对于分支,它以 refs/heads/ 开头;对于标签,它以 refs/tags/ 开头;对于注释(参见 git notes),它以 refs/notes 开头;等等。同样,at most one of oldsha1 and newsha1可能都是-zeros,表示正在创建引用(旧的全是0s)或删除(新的全是0s)。

如果您想拒绝某些创建案例,但允许更新将被拒绝创建的引用名称,请检查 oldsha1 值以及引用-名字。如果您也想拒绝更新,只需检查 ref-names。

要获取所有 现有 参考名称的列表,请使用 git "plumbing command" git for-each-ref。要将其输出限制为仅分支名称,您可以给它前缀 refs/heads。阅读 its documentation,因为它有很多旋钮可以转动。

重新编辑 Python 代码:如果您要在 Python 中执行此操作,您可以利用 Python 的相对智能。看来您的方向是正确的。不过,这是我的编码方式(这可能有点过度设计,有时我倾向于过早地尝试处理未来可能出现的问题):


Update hook that rejects a branch creation (but does
not reject normal update nor deletion) of a branch
whose name matches some other, existing branch.

# NB: we can't actually get git to supply additional
# arguments but this lets us test things locally, in
# a repository.
import argparse
import sys
import subprocess

NULL_SHA1 = b'0' * 40

# Because we're using git we store and match the ref
# name as a byte string (this matters for Python3, but not
# for Python2).
    b'refs/heads/': 'branch',
    b'refs/tags/': 'tag',
    b'refs/remotes/': 'remote-branch',

def get_reftype(refname):
    Convert full byte-string reference name to type; return
    the type (regular Python string) and the short name (binary
    string).  Type may be 'unknown' in which case the short name
    is the full name.
    for key in PREFIX_TO_TYPE.keys():
        if refname.startswith(key):
            return PREFIX_TO_TYPE[key], refname[len(key):]
    return 'unknown', refname

class RefUpdate(object):
    A reference update has a reference name and two hashes,
    old and new.
    def __init__(self, refname, old, new):
        self.refname = refname
        self.reftype, self._shortref = get_reftype(refname)
        self.old = old = new

    def __str__(self):
        return '{0}({1} [{2} {3}], {4}, {5})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
            self.reftype, self.shortref.decode('ascii'),

    def shortref(self):
        "get the short version of the ref (read-only, property fn)"
        return self._shortref

    def is_branch(self):
        return self.reftype == 'branch'

    def is_create(self):
        return self.old == NULL_SHA1

def get_existing_branches():
    Use git for-each-ref to find existing ref names.
    Note that we only care about branches here, and we can
    take them in their short forms.

    Return a list of all branch names.  Note that these are
    binary strings.
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'for-each-ref',
        '--format=%(refname:short)', 'refs/heads/'],
    result =
    status = proc.wait()
    if status != 0:
        sys.exit('help! git for-each-ref failed: exit {0}'.format(status))
    return result

def update_hook():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
        'git update hook that rejects branch create'
        ' for case-insensitive name collision')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('ref', help=
        'full reference name for update (e.g., refs/heads/branch)')
    parser.add_argument('old_hash', help='previous hash of ref')
    parser.add_argument('new_hash', help='proposed new hash of ref')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    update = RefUpdate(args.ref.encode('utf-8'),
        args.old_hash.encode('utf-8'), args.new_hash.encode('utf-8'))

    if args.debug:
        args.verbose = True

    if args.verbose:
        print('checking update {0}'.format(update))

    # if not a branch, allow
    if not update.is_branch:
        if args.debug:
            print('not a branch; allowing')
    # if not a creation, allow
    if not update.is_create:
        if args.debug:
            print('not a create; allowing')

    # check for name collision - get existing branch names
    if args.debug:
        print('branch creation! checking existing names...')
    names = get_existing_branches()
    for name in names:
        if args.debug:
            print('check vs {0} = {1}'.format(name.decode('ascii'),
        if update.shortref.lower() == name.lower():
            sys.exit('Create branch {0} denied: collides with'
                ' existing branch {1}'.format(update.shortref.decode('ascii'),

    # whew, made it, allow
    if args.verbose:
        print('all tests passed, allowing')
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except KeyboardInterrupt: