如何防止添加到 List 的 类 实例在 IEnumerator 方法中被销毁?

How to prevent instances of classes that are added to a List from being destroyed in an IEnumerator method?


OpponentItem 的字段 class 应该用来自 collectItems 的数据填充。

我们对手的物品将列在 opponentList 中,其数据来自 incomingData。因为我不知道 StartCoroutine 何时结束 collectData 方法设置 progressBar 和 Update 检查 opponentList 的元素。

不幸的是,方法中实例化的 OpponentItem 对象已不存在,因此列表为空。

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;

public class OpponentItem {

    public int item_id ;
    public string item_type;
    public string item_name;
    public int item_star; 
    public int item_bonus;

    public OpponentItem() : base(){



public class TestBug : MonoBehaviour {

    public List<OpponentItem> opponentList;
    private float barValue;
    public bool isDone;

    public static string[] collectItems =  new string[5]{



    public string[] incomingData;

    public float progressBar {


            return barValue;


            barValue = value;
            isDone = true;


    void Start () {

        isDone = false;

        string joined = System.String.Join("|", collectItems);
        incomingData = new string[5];
        incomingData[0] = joined;
        incomingData[1] = joined;
        incomingData[2] = joined;
        incomingData[3] = joined;
        incomingData[4] = joined;

        opponentList = new List<OpponentItem>();

        StartCoroutine(collectData<OpponentItem>(opponentList, incomingData, collectItems));


    void Update(){

        if (isDone){

            isDone = false;


    public IEnumerator collectData<T>(List<T> list, string[] tempArray, string[] queryArray) where T : new() {

        list =  new List<T>(tempArray.Length);

        for(int h = 0; h < tempArray.Length ; h++){

            list.Add(new T()); 

            string[] mybox = new string[queryArray.Length]; 
            mybox = tempArray[h].Split('|');

            for (int k = 0; k < queryArray.Length ; k++){

                string[] inbox = new string[2];
                inbox = mybox[k].Split('=');

                if (list[h].GetType().GetField(inbox[0]).FieldType.FullName == "System.Int32"){

                    list[h].GetType().GetField(inbox[0]).SetValue(list[h], Int32.Parse(inbox[1]));

                else if(list[h].GetType().GetField(inbox[0]).FieldType.FullName == "System.Single"){

                    list[h].GetType().GetField(inbox[0]).SetValue(list[h], Single.Parse(inbox[1]));

                    list[h].GetType().GetField(inbox[0]).SetValue(list[h], inbox[1]);



        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
        progressBar += 0.5f; 


这是一个问题。您的列表将始终为空,因为默认情况下参数是按值传递的(请参阅此 MSDN link)

opponentList = new List<OpponentItem>();        
StartCoroutine(collectData<OpponentItem>(opponentList, incomingData, collectItems));

分配 list = new List<T>(tempArray.Length) 后,您会将项目添加到新的列表引用中,而不是传递到 collectData() 的列表引用中。

您有 2 个选择:

1) 清除列表而不是重新分配

 public IEnumerator collectData<T>(List<T> list, string[] tempArray, string[] queryArray) where T : new() {

    // list =  new List<T>(tempArray.Length); // ** problem
    list.Clear();  // ** try clearing the list instead

    for(int h = 0; h < tempArray.Length ; h++){

2) 通过引用传递列表

 opponentList = new List<OpponentItem>();

 StartCoroutine(collectData<OpponentItem>(ref opponentList, incomingData, collectItems));


    public IEnumerator collectData<T>(ref List<T> list, string[] tempArray, string[] queryArray) where T : new() {

    list =  new List<T>(tempArray.Length);