使用 play 和 akka-https:如何正确地将多个请求链接到传入请求以创建响应?

With play and akka-https: How to properly chain multiple requests to the incoming request to create a response?

所以我尝试让一个小型播放应用程序与另一个休息服务进行通信。 这个想法是,在播放端接收请求,然后向其余 api 发出请求,并将部分结果提供给另一个本地演员,然后在浏览器中显示来自本地演员和其余服务的响应. This image shows how

我试着用流来做。我一切正常,但我对与当地演员交谈并创建 Future[(Future[String],Future[String]) 元组的部分绝对不满意,所以如果你能指出我的方向,我会很高兴,如何做到这一点以优雅干净的方式。

这是我的代码。输入是一个 csv 文件。 我的本地演员创建了一个我想放入响应中的附加图形。

def upload = Action.async(parse.multipartFormData) { request =>
 request.body.file("input").map { inputCsv =>

 //csv to list of strings
 val inputList: List[String] = convertFileToList(inputCsv)

 //http request to rest service
 val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = httpRequest(inputList, "/path",4321 ,"")

 //pattern match response and ask local actor
 val formattedResult = responseFuture.flatMap { response =>
  response.status match {
    case akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.OK =>
      val resultTeams = Unmarshal(response.entity).to[CustomResultCaseClass]

     //the part I'd like to improve
      val tupleFuture = resultTeams.map(result => 
        (Future(result.teams.reduce(_ + "," + _)),
          plotter.ask(PlotData(result.eval)).mapTo[ChartPath].flatMap(plotAnswer => Future(plotAnswer.path))))
      tupleFuture.map(tuple => tuple._1.map(teams => 
        p._2.map(chartPath => Ok(views.html.upload(teams))(chartPath))))).flatMap(a => a).flatMap(b => b)

For comprehensions 对此类用例很有用。一个演示所涉及的重构的基本示例:

val teamFut = Future(result.teams.reduce(_ + "," + _))

//I think the final .flatMap(Future(_.path)) is unnecessary it should be
// .map(_.path), but I wanted to replicate the question code functionality
val pathFut = plotter.ask(PlotData(result.eval))

val okFut = 
  for {
    teams     <- teamFut
    chartPath <- pathFut      
  } yield Ok(views.html.upload(teams))(chartPath)

注意:Initial Futures 应该在 之外实例化,否则不会发生并行执行。