空 JSON 响应不会触发 Jackson 中的错误

Empty JSON response doesn't trigger error in Jackson

我正在使用 Jackson 来解释我正在写的 API 的 JSON 回复。作为贯穿我的 API 的标准,我想从 API 向程序抛出错误,例如:

{"errorMessage":"No such username."}

所以我希望我的响应处理器首先检查响应是否只是单个 errorMessage 键,如果是,则处理错误,如果不是,则将其解释为它期望从该命令获得的任何响应。


public class ProcessingException extends Exception {
    private String errorMessage;
    public ProcessingException(){}

    public String getErrorMessage() {
        return errorMessage;

    public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;



public void useResponse(InputStream in) throws IOException, ProcessingException {
    // turn response into a string
    java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\A");
    String response = s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";

    ProcessingException exception;
    try {
        // Attempt to interpret as an exception
        exception = mapper.readValue(response, ProcessingException.class);
    catch(IOException e) {
        // Otherwise interpret it as expected. responseType() is an abstract TypeReference
        // which is filled in by subclasses. useResponse() is also abstract. Each subclass
        // represents a different kind of request.
        Object responseObj = mapper.readValue(response, responseType());
    // I needed this out of the try/catch clause because listener.errorResponse might
    // actually choose to throw the passed exception to be dealt with by a higher
    // authority.
    if (listener!=null) listener.errorResponse(exception);

这工作得很好,除了在一种情况下 - 有些请求实际上不需要响应任何东西,所以它们 return {}。由于某种原因,此响应完全贯穿 exception = mapper.readValue(response, ProcessingException.class); 行而没有触发 IOException,因此程序认为存在错误。但是当它试图读取错误是什么时,它会在尝试读取 exception.getErrorMessage() 时抛出 NullPointerException,因为当然没有错误。

为什么将 {} 视为有效的 ProcessingException 对象?

Jackson 没有 bean 验证。但是您可以做的是将构造函数声明为 JsonCreator,它将用于实例化新对象,并且 check/throw 如果该字段为 null 则抛出异常:

class ProcessingException  {
    private String errorMessage;

    public ProcessingException(@JsonProperty("errorMessage") String errorMessage) {
        if (errorMessage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'errorMessage' can't be null");
        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
    // getters, setters and other methods