为什么我的程序只打印到小数点后 6 位?

Why is my program only printing to 6 decimal places?

我创建了一个程序来计算从零到无穷大的整数值,但是当我打印我的答案时它只打印到小数点后 6 位,有人可以告诉我这是为什么吗?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

double integral_Function(double x){
    double value;
    value = 1/((1+ pow(x, 2))*(pow(x, 2/3)));
    return value;

double trapezium_Rule(double lower, double upper, int n){

    double h;
    double total;

    h = (upper - lower)/n;

    total = (h/2) * (integral_Function(upper) + integral_Function(lower));

    for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){
        total = total + (h * integral_Function(lower + (i * h)));

    return total;


int main() {

    double sum = 0;
    double upper = DBL_MIN * 1.001;
    double lower = DBL_MIN;

    while (upper <= DBL_MAX){
        sum +=  trapezium_Rule(lower, upper, 5000) * 2;
        lower = upper;
        upper = upper * 1.02;

    printf("%f", sum);

    return 0;

这是因为您使用的字符串格式 %f 默认情况下只打印逗号后的 6 位数字。要增加它,只需指定您想要的长度:

printf("%.9f", sum); //note the 9 - it is the length.