500,000 个已排序整数数组的 C++ 快速排序算法中的段错误
Seg Fault in c++ quicksort algorithm on array of 500,000 sorted integers
我的 C++ 快速排序算法有问题。我正在 运行 处理 3 个不同的输入文件,每个文件有 500,000 个整数。第一个和第三个 运行 正如他们应该的那样,而第二个导致段错误。第一个有 500,000 个未排序的整数,第二个有 500,000 个排序的整数,第三个有 500,000 个倒序的排序整数。我在这里上传了第二个输入文件:http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=43088934371978831513
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int unsorted[500010];
int low = 0;
int high = 500000;
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
int pivot = 0;
void read()
int x;
for (x = 1; x <= 500001; x++)
void printOut()
int x;
for (x = 1; x <= 500000; x++)
if (unsorted[x - 1] > unsorted[x])
cout<<"This list is not sorted!"<<endl;
cout<<"This list is sorted!"<<endl;
int median(int left, int right)
int middle = (right / 2);
if(unsorted[left] > unsorted[middle] && unsorted[left] < unsorted[right])
return left;
else if(unsorted[middle] > unsorted[left] && unsorted[middle] < unsorted[right])
return middle;
else if(unsorted[right] > unsorted[middle] && unsorted[right] < unsorted[left])
return right;
if(unsorted[left] < unsorted[middle] && unsorted[left] > unsorted[right])
return left;
else if(unsorted[middle] < unsorted[left] && unsorted[middle] > unsorted[right])
return middle;
else if(unsorted[right] < unsorted[middle] && unsorted[right] > unsorted[left])
return right;
return left;
void intSwap(int a,int b)
//cout<<"intSwap:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
int tmp;
tmp = unsorted[a];
unsorted[a] = unsorted[b];
unsorted[b] = tmp;
int partition(int low, int high)
//cout<<"partition:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
x = 0;
pivot = median(low,high);
int pivotValue = unsorted[pivot];
int index = low;
for (x = low; x < high; x++)
if (unsorted[x] <= pivotValue)
//if (unsorted[x] <= unsorted[index])
intSwap(x, index);
index += 1;
//cout<<"index:: "<<index<<endl;
return index;
void quicksort(int low, int high)
//cout<<"quicksort:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
int p;
if (low < high) //else, we're at the end
p = partition(low, high);
quicksort(low, p - 1);
quicksort(p + 1, high);
int main()
cout<<"read complete"<<endl;
clock_t t = clock();
t = clock() - t;
cout<<"It took me "<<t<<" clicks ("<<((float)t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<" seconds)"<<endl;
gdb 告诉我程序在这里出现段错误:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08048984 in partition (low=424752, high=500000)
at quicksort.cpp:69
69 pivot = median(low,high);
如果有人能帮我一把,我将不胜感激!请注意,该算法可能需要几分钟才能 运行!
int middle = (right / 2);
int middle = left + ( (right-left) / 2);
当前代码可能会产生一个不会减少数组长度的枢轴值,因此您最终会遇到无限递归,当所有堆栈 space 用完时最终会崩溃。
我的 C++ 快速排序算法有问题。我正在 运行 处理 3 个不同的输入文件,每个文件有 500,000 个整数。第一个和第三个 运行 正如他们应该的那样,而第二个导致段错误。第一个有 500,000 个未排序的整数,第二个有 500,000 个排序的整数,第三个有 500,000 个倒序的排序整数。我在这里上传了第二个输入文件:http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=43088934371978831513
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int unsorted[500010];
int low = 0;
int high = 500000;
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
int pivot = 0;
void read()
int x;
for (x = 1; x <= 500001; x++)
void printOut()
int x;
for (x = 1; x <= 500000; x++)
if (unsorted[x - 1] > unsorted[x])
cout<<"This list is not sorted!"<<endl;
cout<<"This list is sorted!"<<endl;
int median(int left, int right)
int middle = (right / 2);
if(unsorted[left] > unsorted[middle] && unsorted[left] < unsorted[right])
return left;
else if(unsorted[middle] > unsorted[left] && unsorted[middle] < unsorted[right])
return middle;
else if(unsorted[right] > unsorted[middle] && unsorted[right] < unsorted[left])
return right;
if(unsorted[left] < unsorted[middle] && unsorted[left] > unsorted[right])
return left;
else if(unsorted[middle] < unsorted[left] && unsorted[middle] > unsorted[right])
return middle;
else if(unsorted[right] < unsorted[middle] && unsorted[right] > unsorted[left])
return right;
return left;
void intSwap(int a,int b)
//cout<<"intSwap:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
int tmp;
tmp = unsorted[a];
unsorted[a] = unsorted[b];
unsorted[b] = tmp;
int partition(int low, int high)
//cout<<"partition:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
x = 0;
pivot = median(low,high);
int pivotValue = unsorted[pivot];
int index = low;
for (x = low; x < high; x++)
if (unsorted[x] <= pivotValue)
//if (unsorted[x] <= unsorted[index])
intSwap(x, index);
index += 1;
//cout<<"index:: "<<index<<endl;
return index;
void quicksort(int low, int high)
//cout<<"quicksort:: "<<"low: "<<low<<" high: "<<high<<endl;
int p;
if (low < high) //else, we're at the end
p = partition(low, high);
quicksort(low, p - 1);
quicksort(p + 1, high);
int main()
cout<<"read complete"<<endl;
clock_t t = clock();
t = clock() - t;
cout<<"It took me "<<t<<" clicks ("<<((float)t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<<" seconds)"<<endl;
gdb 告诉我程序在这里出现段错误:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08048984 in partition (low=424752, high=500000)
at quicksort.cpp:69
69 pivot = median(low,high);
如果有人能帮我一把,我将不胜感激!请注意,该算法可能需要几分钟才能 运行!
int middle = (right / 2);
int middle = left + ( (right-left) / 2);
当前代码可能会产生一个不会减少数组长度的枢轴值,因此您最终会遇到无限递归,当所有堆栈 space 用完时最终会崩溃。