(x || !x) 什么时候为假?

When is (x || !x) false?

我的一个朋友开玩笑地问我这个问题。这本来是一个 "goes without saying" 类型的评论,但后来我实际上考虑了一段时间并开始想出一些聪明的“almost 解决方案”。


If C ever supports quantum computing there may be an answer to this. A q-bit can be in many states at once, so it could be false AND true and this conditional will return (BOOL)0.5 aka "Yes/no/maybe-so" - but once you observe the variable the whole thing will collapse and become invalid again.


If X could somehow be defined as a random binary generator and you cast it to a BOOL you could get false some of the time. I'm not sure if you can do this though in C unless you use CLANG. #define x (BOOL)!!(rand()%2)

我们讨论的语言是 C,但我也很好奇是否有人可以用 any 语言找到任何解决方案。

x是volatile(volatile int x),被外部线程/设备修改时,表达式可以是false.


#include <stdio.h>
int f(void) { 
  static int y = 0;
  if (y == 0) {
     y = 1;
     return 0;
  } else {
    return 1;

#define x f()

int main(void) {
  if (x || !x) {
    puts("It was true");
  } else {
    puts("It was false");
  return 0;


int y = 0;
#define x y++

(对于那些担心未定义行为的人,请注意 || 左右两侧之间有一个序列点。)


#define x 1 ? 0 : 1
(x || !x)

原因在于运算符的优先级。预处理后 (x || !x) 解析为以下内容(添加括号以显示优先级):

(1 ? 0 : (1 || !1) ? 0 : 1)


#define x 0&0

扩展 (x || !x) 得到 (0 & 0 || !0 & 0),它总是错误的。


#define x 0*0
#define x 1*0  // for binary buffs
#define x 4&2  // for HHGG fans.

我找不到 2 个字母的宏:(

在 JS 中尝试过:

var i = 0

i++ || !(i++)

注意:此解决方案仅在 i = 0
