CSS 选择器 cascading/specificity 未按预期工作

CSS selector cascading/specificity not working as expected


我在 FirefoxDeveloperEdition 中工作并且遇到意外的选择器优先级。我已经通读了 Smashing Magazine article "CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know",并且据我所知,已经构建了 CSS 选择器,以便为每个选择器实现预期的特异性水平。但是,错误的声明正在被取消。




  <link href="css/style.css">
  <section class="hud">
    <section class="main float-l">
      <a href="#0" class="button">
        <div class="outer container">
          <div class="inner container">
            <p class="show"> <!-- This text is meant to be white by the style declared at line 159. But, it's grey by line 61. -->
              View Details
            <div class="arrow"></div>
            <p class="hide"> <!-- This text is meant to be white by the style declared at line 159. But, it's grey by line 61. -->
              Hide Details


58  .hud > .main p /* I also tried `.hud > .main p:not(.button)` */
59    {
60      vertical-align:   middle;
61      color:            #7C7C7C; /* This grey is applied of the white of line 159. */
62    {


155 .hud > .main > .button
156   {
157     display:          block;
158     background-color: #986B99;
159     color:            #FFFFFF; /* This white should be applied, but is overridden by the grey of line 61. */
160     height:           36px;
161     margin:           20px 10px 10px;
162     padding:          8px 20px;
163     font-weight:      400;
164     text-decoration:  none;
165     text-transform:   uppercase;
166     border-radius:    2px;
167   }


尝试了 .hud > .main > .button.hud > .main p

还尝试了 .hud > .main > .button.hud > .main p:not(.botton)




#myID {
  color: red;

p {
  color: green;  
<div id="myId">
  <p>Some text</p>

尽管 #myId 更具体,但文本为绿色,因为 p 选择器直接匹配该元素,因此比 color 继承自 div 更重要。

要使 .button 内的 p 元素变为白色,您需要:

.hud > .main > .button p {
    color: #fff;