无法连接到 clearDB [heroku]

Cannot connect to clearDB [heroku]

直到上周,我都无法连接到 cleardb。配置没有改变。 通常,我使用以下命令连接到我的数据库:

 mysql --host=eu-cdbr-west-01.cleardb.com --user=ba2*******61 --password=9*****f heroku_2*********f


ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'eu-cdbr-west-01.cleardb.com' (60)



heroku config | grep CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL

CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL: mysql://b*******1:9****f@eu-cdbr-west-01.cleardb.com/heroku_2*******f?reconnect=true

我是 ClearDB 的运营经理。您的问题可能是基于帐户的,而不是 mysql。我鼓励您在我们的系统中打开支持票,以便我们检查这种可能性。

You may want to check with your local network administrator and/or ISP to ensure that you are allowed to access remote resources that run on TCP 3306. It is possible that this port has been blocked from your local network and/or machine. To be clear, we performed a connection test on this database and found that it is operating normally, so the next diagnostic step is to check your local connectivity to remote MySQL databases.

参考:error trying to connect to cleardb