如何从 YUI 压缩器中排除文件夹

How to exclude a folder from YUI compressor

我想排除包含一组 javascript 文件的文件夹,YUI 压缩器不会编译这些文件并输出错误。我正在尝试使用 <exclude>folder</exclude> 标签,但它不起作用 - YUI 仍在尝试压缩文件夹中的文件。

下面是我的 pom 配置:

                          <!-- yuicompressor fails to compile patterns library, hence stopping full build -->
                          <!-- We won't be modifying this library so will exclude it for now -->



而不是 <exclude>src/main/webapp/js-max/patterns/*</exclude>,我不得不使用 <exclude>**/patterns/*</exclude>。所以以下是对我有用的完整 pom 配置:

                      <!-- yuicompressor fails to compile patterns library, hence stopping full build -->
                      <!-- We won't be modifying this library so will exclude it for now -->