Android 磨损 Api 21 无法安装应用程序

Android Wear Api 21 Unable To Install App

嗨,这只是一个简单的问题...我有 Android Wear 和三星 Galaxy Note 4 4​​.4Kitkat Api 19。我尝试 运行 Android Wear 应用程序但它给我错误 Api21>Api19 有没有办法编辑 Api 级别并编译它?

根据 Packaging Wearable Apps training:

When publishing to users, you must package a wearable app inside of a handheld app, because users cannot browse and install apps directly on the wearable. If packaged properly, when users download the handheld app, the system automatically pushes the wearable app to the paired wearable.

Note: This feature doesn't work when you are signing your apps with a debug key when developing. While developing, installing apps with adb install or Android Studio directly to the wearable is required.

如果您正在开发可穿戴应用程序,那么您需要将 Android 可穿戴设备直接连接到您的计算机(或使用速度较慢的 bluetooth debugging)来安装该应用程序。