
How to set automatically the width of a column in xlsxwriter

我对一直使用 worksheet.set_column 感到困惑。是否可以自动设置所有列的宽度?

模拟它的 Python 函数是什么? (仅使用 xlsxwriter 库):

def autofit(filename, worksheet_name):
  # ???

我只知道用 COM 做这个的方法。

import contextlib, os, win32com.client

def load_xl_file(xlfilepath):
    ''' Open an existing Excel file using a context manager 
        `xlfilepath`: path to an existing Excel file '''
    xl = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
    wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(xlfilepath)
        yield wb
        xl = None # this actually ends the process 

def xlautofit(xlfilepath,skip_first_col=False):
    ''' relies on win32com.client to autofit columns on data sheets 

        remember that this is using COM so sheet numbers start at 1 (not 0), 
        so to avoid requiring the caller to remember this, we increment 

        returns full path (including dir) to file '''
    if os.path.splitext(xlfilepath)[1] not in ('.xls','.xlsx'):
        return -1

    autofitbegcol = 1
    if skip_first_col:
        autofitbegcol += 1

    # Autofit every sheet 
    with load_xl_file(xlfilepath) as wb:
        for ws in wb.Sheets:
            autofitendcol = ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, autofitbegcol), 
                     ws.Cells(1, autofitendcol)).EntireColumn.AutoFit()
    return xlfilepath 

Is there any possibility of setting the width of all columns automatically?


来自XlsxWriter FAQ

Q. Is there an "AutoFit" option for columns?

Unfortunately, there is no way to specify "AutoFit" for a column in the Excel file format. This feature is only available at runtime from within Excel. It is possible to simulate "AutoFit" in your application by tracking the maximum width of the data in the column as your write it and then adjusting the column width at the end.


import win32com.client as win32

excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(r'file.xlsx')
ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")

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