值多态性和"generating an exception"

Value polymorphism and "generating an exception"

根据 标准 ML 的定义(修订版)

The idea is that dynamic evaluation of a non-expansive expression will neither generate an exception nor extend the domain of the memory, while the evaluation of an expansive expression might.

[§4.7,第 19 页;强调我的]

我在网上找到了很多关于 ref-cell 部分的信息,但几乎 none 关于异常部分的信息。 (一些消息来源指出,多态绑定仍然有可能引发 Bind,并且这种不一致可能会产生类型理论上的 and/or 实现后果,但我不确定这是否相关。)


  val (wrapAnyValueInExn, unwrapExnToAnyType) =
    let exception EXN of 'a
    in  (EXN, fn EXN value => value)
  val castAnyValueToAnyType = fn value => unwrapExnToAnyType (wrapAnyValueInExn value)

那么,谁能告诉我 Definition 的含义,以及为什么它会提到例外情况?

(有没有可能"generate an exception"是生成异常name,而不是生成异常packet?)


ML 异常生成意味着,每当流控制两次到达相同的异常声明时,将创建两个不同的异常。不仅内存中存在这些不同的对象,而且这些对象在外延上也是不相等的:我们可以通过针对异常构造函数的模式匹配来区分这些对象。

[顺便说一句,这显示了 ML 异常和大多数其他语言中的异常之间的重要区别。在 ML 中,可以在运行时创建新异常 。]


作为生成异常为何有用的示例,请考虑 MLton 的示例实现 universal type:

signature UNIV =
  type univ
  val embed : unit -> { inject : 'a -> univ
                      , project : univ -> 'a option

structure Univ :> UNIV =
  type univ = exn

  fun 'a embed () =
      exception E of 'a
      { inject = E
      , project = fn (E x) => SOME x | _ => NONE

如果 ML 没有值限制,此代码将导致巨大的类型安全漏洞:

val { inject = inj1, project = proj1 } = Univ.embed ()
val { inject = inj2, project = proj2 } = Univ.embed ()

(*  `inj1` and `proj1` share the same internal exception. This is
 *  why `proj1` can project values injected with `inj1`.
 *  `inj2` and `proj2` similarly share the same internal exception.
 *  But this exception is different from the one used by `inj1` and
 *  `proj1`.
 *  Furthermore, the value restriction makes all of these functions
 *  monomorphic.  However, at this point, we don't know yet what these
 *  monomorphic types might be.

val univ1 = inj1 "hello"
val univ2 = inj2 5

(*  Now we do know:
 *    inj1 : string -> Univ.univ
 *    proj1 : Univ.univ -> string option
 *    inj2 : int -> Univ.univ
 *    proj2 : Univ.univ -> int option

val NONE = proj1 univ2
val NONE = proj2 univ1

(*  Which confirms that exceptions are generative.  *)

val SOME str = proj1 univ1
val SOME int = proj2 univ2

(*  Without the value restriction, `str` and `int` would both
 *  have type `'a`, which is obviously unsound.  Thanks to the
 *  value restriction, they have types `string` and `int`,
 *  respectively.

[对 Eduardo León 的回答的提示,说明 定义 确实指的是这个,并引入了短语 "generative exceptions" .我赞成他的回答,但我将其单独发布,因为我觉得他的回答是从错误的方向来回答问题的,有点:大部分答案都是对问题已经预设的事物的阐述。]

Is it possible that "generate an exception" means generating an exception name, rather than generating an exception packet?

是的,我想是的。尽管 Definition 通常不单独使用 "exception" 这个词,但其他来源通常将异常名称简单地称为 "exceptions" — 包括在生成的特定上下文中他们。例如,来自 http://mlton.org/GenerativeException:

In Standard ML, exception declarations are said to be generative, because each time an exception declaration is evaluated, it yields a new exception.

(如您所见,该页面始终将异常名称称为 "exceptions"。)

Standard ML Basis Library,同样是这样使用"exception"。例如,从第 29 页开始:

At one extreme, a programmer could employ the standard exception General.Fail everywhere, letting it carry a string describing the particular failure. […] For example, one technique is to have a function sampleFn in a structure Sample raise the exception Fail "Sample.sampleFn".

如您所见,本段使用术语 "exception" 两次,一次引用异常名称,一次引用异常值,依赖上下文使含义清晰。

所以定义用"generate an exception"这个短语来指代生成异常名是很合理的(尽管如此,这可能是一个小错误; Definition 通常比这个更精确和正式,并且通常表明它何时打算依赖上下文来消除歧义。