重命名演示文件夹下方最多 10 代的历史文件
rename up to 10 generations of the history file just below Demo Folder
我这里有一个与 VB.Net 编码相关的大问题。
我的 C 盘中有一个名为 Demo 的文件夹。我有一个项目将在此文件夹中创建 DAT 文件。现在我的问题是。如果文件存在,我必须更改文件名 NOUHINHD.DAT -- NOUHHD01.DAT -- NOUHHD02.DAT -- NOUHHD03.DAT ---- NOUHHD10.DAT
存在,那么我必须将 NOUHINHD.DAT
如果我有一个名为 NOUHHD10
的文件名,然后将其重命名为 NOUHHD11
并连续重命名这 10 个文件并增加编号并始终创建一个新文件 NOUHINHD.DAT
Dim path As String = "C:\DEMO\"
no = 10
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path)
Dim name As String = (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename))
Dim number As String = (Mid(name, 7))
If number = "HD" Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHHD01.DAT")
ElseIf number >= 1 Then
'For i As Integer = 0 To 0
' ArrayName(10) = number
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHHD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINHD.DAT") Then
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINHD.DAT")
End If
用于创建这些文件,但它创建了我这样的格式 DEMO.DAT -- DEMO02.DAT -- DEMO04.DAT -- DEMO06.DAT
。它增加了两倍,但应该只增加 1 倍。
目前 sub 将删除文件 NOUHHD10.DAT 因为当您尝试重命名 NOUHHD09 时,它可能会产生错误,但您可以在代码中更改此行为。
Private Sub RenameDats(path As String)
'checks if path ends with a backslash and adds it if necessary
If Not path.Last = "\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
'array to hold list of files to rename
Dim filesToRename() As String
'get list of files to rename matching the pattern
filesToRename = Directory.GetFiles(path, "NOUHHD*.*")
'sorts them into order
System.Array.Sort(Of String)(filesToRename)
'Check if NOUHHD10.DAT already exists. If so, delete it
If File.Exists(path & "NOUHHD10.DAT") Then
File.Delete(path & "NOUHHD10.DAT")
End If
'iterates through the array from highest numbered file to lowest
For i As Integer = filesToRename.GetUpperBound(0) To 0 Step -1
'gets filname
Dim name As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(filesToRename(i))
'gets number of file
Dim strNum As String = (Mid(name, 7, 2))
'tries to rename the file
'extra check to make sure file number is a valid number
If IsNumeric(strNum) Then
'converts filenumber from string to integer
Dim fileNumber As Integer = CInt(strNum)
'adds 1 to it and recreates new filename
Dim newFileNumber As String = Format(fileNumber + 1, "00")
path = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filesToRename(i))
Dim newFilename As String = "NOUHHD" & newFileNumber.ToString & ".DAT"
'renames file - note that you don't need the full path in the new filename
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(filesToRename(i), newFilename)
End If
'catch if there's an error
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' if NOUHINHD exists, rename it. If it doesn't exist, create it
If File.Exists(path & "NOUHINHD.DAT") Then
Rename(path & "NOUHINHD.DAT", "NOIHHD001.DAT")
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINHD.DAT")
End If
End Sub
对于我自己的问题,我有自己的解决方案。谢谢 @david-wilson 先生
'file name access
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path)
'remove extensition and location name
Dim name As String = (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename))
'number means filename last 2 digit
Dim number As String = (Mid(name, 7))
If number = "BD" Then
'if last digit was BD then rename it
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHBD01.DAT")
ElseIf number = "HD" Then
'if last digit was HD then check weather file exist
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINBD.DAT") Then
'if file not exist than create a new file
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINBD.DAT")
End If
'if number is greater then or equal to num2 (Dim num2 As Integer = 1)
ElseIf number >= num2 Then
Dim checkname As String = Mid(name, 5, 2)
'ckeckname is from Filename it will just take fifth and sixth name and check it weather BD or not
If checkname = "BD" Then
'check weather file exists or not
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT") Then
'if file doesnot exists than rename filename like NOUHBD03 to NOUHBD04
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT")
'cnumber as filename last 2 digit
Dim Cnumber As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(number)
'loop for rename file if last two digit untill it is not 0
While i <= number + 1
If File.Exists(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber) - 1).ToString + ".DAT") Then
'rename the files
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber) - 1).ToString + ".DAT", "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber)).ToString + ".DAT")
Cnumber = Cnumber - 1
GoTo nextstep1
End If
End While
End If
'ckeck checkname is weather HD or not
ElseIf checkname = "HD" Then
Return Nothing
End If
End If
' nextstep1: (Uncomment it)
'if file not exists NOUHINBD.DAT than create a new one
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINBD.DAT") Then
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINBD.DAT")
End If
我这里有一个与 VB.Net 编码相关的大问题。
我的 C 盘中有一个名为 Demo 的文件夹。我有一个项目将在此文件夹中创建 DAT 文件。现在我的问题是。如果文件存在,我必须更改文件名 NOUHINHD.DAT -- NOUHHD01.DAT -- NOUHHD02.DAT -- NOUHHD03.DAT ---- NOUHHD10.DAT
存在,那么我必须将 NOUHINHD.DAT
如果我有一个名为 NOUHHD10
的文件名,然后将其重命名为 NOUHHD11
并连续重命名这 10 个文件并增加编号并始终创建一个新文件 NOUHINHD.DAT
Dim path As String = "C:\DEMO\"
no = 10
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path)
Dim name As String = (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename))
Dim number As String = (Mid(name, 7))
If number = "HD" Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHHD01.DAT")
ElseIf number >= 1 Then
'For i As Integer = 0 To 0
' ArrayName(10) = number
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHHD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINHD.DAT") Then
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINHD.DAT")
End If
用于创建这些文件,但它创建了我这样的格式 DEMO.DAT -- DEMO02.DAT -- DEMO04.DAT -- DEMO06.DAT
。它增加了两倍,但应该只增加 1 倍。
目前 sub 将删除文件 NOUHHD10.DAT 因为当您尝试重命名 NOUHHD09 时,它可能会产生错误,但您可以在代码中更改此行为。
Private Sub RenameDats(path As String)
'checks if path ends with a backslash and adds it if necessary
If Not path.Last = "\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
'array to hold list of files to rename
Dim filesToRename() As String
'get list of files to rename matching the pattern
filesToRename = Directory.GetFiles(path, "NOUHHD*.*")
'sorts them into order
System.Array.Sort(Of String)(filesToRename)
'Check if NOUHHD10.DAT already exists. If so, delete it
If File.Exists(path & "NOUHHD10.DAT") Then
File.Delete(path & "NOUHHD10.DAT")
End If
'iterates through the array from highest numbered file to lowest
For i As Integer = filesToRename.GetUpperBound(0) To 0 Step -1
'gets filname
Dim name As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(filesToRename(i))
'gets number of file
Dim strNum As String = (Mid(name, 7, 2))
'tries to rename the file
'extra check to make sure file number is a valid number
If IsNumeric(strNum) Then
'converts filenumber from string to integer
Dim fileNumber As Integer = CInt(strNum)
'adds 1 to it and recreates new filename
Dim newFileNumber As String = Format(fileNumber + 1, "00")
path = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filesToRename(i))
Dim newFilename As String = "NOUHHD" & newFileNumber.ToString & ".DAT"
'renames file - note that you don't need the full path in the new filename
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(filesToRename(i), newFilename)
End If
'catch if there's an error
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' if NOUHINHD exists, rename it. If it doesn't exist, create it
If File.Exists(path & "NOUHINHD.DAT") Then
Rename(path & "NOUHINHD.DAT", "NOIHHD001.DAT")
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINHD.DAT")
End If
End Sub
对于我自己的问题,我有自己的解决方案。谢谢 @david-wilson 先生
'file name access
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path)
'remove extensition and location name
Dim name As String = (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename))
'number means filename last 2 digit
Dim number As String = (Mid(name, 7))
If number = "BD" Then
'if last digit was BD then rename it
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHBD01.DAT")
ElseIf number = "HD" Then
'if last digit was HD then check weather file exist
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINBD.DAT") Then
'if file not exist than create a new file
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINBD.DAT")
End If
'if number is greater then or equal to num2 (Dim num2 As Integer = 1)
ElseIf number >= num2 Then
Dim checkname As String = Mid(name, 5, 2)
'ckeckname is from Filename it will just take fifth and sixth name and check it weather BD or not
If checkname = "BD" Then
'check weather file exists or not
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT") Then
'if file doesnot exists than rename filename like NOUHBD03 to NOUHBD04
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + name + ".DAT", "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(number) + 1).ToString + ".DAT")
'cnumber as filename last 2 digit
Dim Cnumber As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(number)
'loop for rename file if last two digit untill it is not 0
While i <= number + 1
If File.Exists(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber) - 1).ToString + ".DAT") Then
'rename the files
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(path + "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber) - 1).ToString + ".DAT", "NOUHBD0" + (Convert.ToInt32(Cnumber)).ToString + ".DAT")
Cnumber = Cnumber - 1
GoTo nextstep1
End If
End While
End If
'ckeck checkname is weather HD or not
ElseIf checkname = "HD" Then
Return Nothing
End If
End If
' nextstep1: (Uncomment it)
'if file not exists NOUHINBD.DAT than create a new one
If Not File.Exists(path + "NOUHINBD.DAT") Then
IBR_SJK_C050.CsvUtil.WriteCSVFile(dt, path + "NOUHINBD.DAT")
End If