Clearcase 中的派生对象

Derived objects in Clearcase


另外我想问一下是否有其他具有相同功能的程序,因为在 Git、MKS 或 IBM® Rational Team Concert™ 中我找不到类似的东西,它是否过时了?

这与动态视图非常相关,动态视图是 ClearCase 特有的,在其他更新的 VCS 中找不到。

参见“ClearCase Build Concepts

Developers perform builds, along with all other work related to ClearCase, in views. Typically, developers work in separate, private views. Sometimes, a team shares a single view (for example, during a software integration period).

As described in Developing Software, each view provides a complete environment for building software that includes a particular configuration of source versions and a private work area in which you can modify source files, and use build tools to create object modules, executables, and so on.

As a build environment, each view is partially isolated from other views. Building software in one view never disturbs the work in another view, even another build of the same program at the same time. However, when working in a dynamic view, you can examine and benefit from work done previously in another dynamic view. A new build shares files created by previous builds, when appropriate. This sharing saves the time and disk space involved in building new objects that duplicate existing ones.

You can (but need not) determine what other builds have taken place in a directory, across all dynamic views. ClearCase includes tools for listing and comparing past builds.

The key to this scheme is that the project team's VOBs constitute a globally accessible repository for files created by builds, in the same way that they provide a repository for the source files that go into builds.
A file produced by a software build is a derived object (DO). Associated with each derived object is a configuration record (CR), which clearmake or omake uses during subsequent builds to determine whether the DO can be reused or shared.

A derived object (DO) is a file created in a VOB during a build or build audit with clearmake or omake.
Each DO has an associated configuration record (CR), which is the bill of materials for the DO. The CR documents aspects of the build environment, the assembly procedure for a DO, and all the files involved in the creation of the DO.

The build tool attempts to avoid rebuilding derived objects.

  • If an appropriate derived object exists in the view, clearmake or omake reuses that DO.
  • If there is no appropriate DO in the view, clearmake or omake looks for an existing DO built in another view that can be winked in to the current view.

The search process is called shopping.

这与非常大的基于 C 或 C++ 联编文件的项目相关。

我认为它的 TL;DR 版本是:


  • 为构建对象而访问的内容,包括可能存在于您的构建文件中的依赖项。
  • 构建过程中创建的其他文件("Sibling Derived Objects")
  • 用于构建对象的命令("build script")假设使用了 clearmake、omake 或 ANT 侦听器 运行 构建。

对于 clearmake 和 omake,此信息用于避免重建,可能会加快构建速度。查找被称为 DO "shopping" 并且构建避免是 "winkin."
