
How to sort a multidimensional vector of floats?

所以,我有一组 3D 点,我想将它们存储在一个 3 维向量中。然后我需要对该向量进行排序,首先优先考虑 X 维度,然后是 Y,然后是 Z。因此,例如,如果我有这组点:

P1 = (5, 10 ,9)
P2 = (1, 11, 4)
P3 = (8, 5, 2)
P4 = (5, 10, 3)
P5 = (5, 4, 0)


[1, 11, 4]
[5, 4, 0]
[5, 10, 3]
[5, 10, 9]
[8, 5, 2]

那么,如何对考虑到所有行的多维向量进行排序? 我应该改用 std::priority_queue 吗?如果是这样,我如何使用它?


您可以按字典顺序使用 std::tuple<double, double, double> to represent a point. The comparison for std::tuple 作品,以您希望的方式使用。或者,您可以为点向量提供自定义排序功能。像这样:

sort(pointVector.begin(), pointVector.end(), [](const Point& lhs, const Point& rhs){//Implement your required comparison predicate here});

此外,作为 this question shows, you can achieve some sort of a named-tuple-with-lexicographic-sorting by using std::tuples lexicographic sort and std::tie

...giving priority first to the X dimention, then Y, then Z

使用std::sort with std::tie,类似于

#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>

struct Points // Your 3D Point
    float x,y,z;
} ;

std::vector<Points> v; // Vector of 3D points

std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), 
            []( const Points& lhs, const Points& rhs )
                return std::tie(lhs.x,lhs.y,lhs.z) 
                     < std::tie(rhs.x,rhs.y,rhs.z)  ; 

         ) ;


您可以使用 std::sort() 通过制作自己的 comparator 函数轻松地根据您的特定条件进行排序。

假设您已将单个 3D 点存储在 struct point 中,并且 存储在 std::vector<points> 中(A std::tuple 可能是更有用。),试试这个代码。


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct point
     float x, y, z;
bool mySort(const point& a, const point& b)
    //A naive comparison to help you understand better.
    //You could always use std::tie for lexicographical comparison.
    if (a.x == b.x)
        if (a.y == b.y)
            return a.z < b.z;
            return a.y < b.y;
        return a.x < b.x;
int main()
    vector<point> graph;
    //push_back() all your points into the graph.
    //mySort() is a custom comparator function.