是否有一个标准的 Haskell 函数,比如 iterate 什么都不停止?

Is there a standard Haskell function like iterate that stops for Nothing?

我想知道是否有一个标准函数迭代一个函数 returns a (Maybe value) over a initial value, collect the values in a list, but ending the list when it gets Nothing .这个函数可以这样实现,例如:

iterateMaybe f a = a : iterMaybe (f a) where
  iterMaybe Nothing = []
  iterMaybe (Just a) = a : iterMaybe (f a)


iterateMaybe' f Nothing = []
iterateMaybe' f (Just a) = a : iterateMaybe' f (f a)

None 个 the functions that Hoogle finds 匹配。


iterateMaybe f = unfoldr (fmap (\s -> (s,s)) . f)

不同之处在于 unfoldr 返回的列表不包含初始元素。