如何要求 Apple Review 团队比平时更快地审核应用程序?

How to ask the Apple Review team to review an app more quickly than usual?

我在上周四向 iTunes connect 上传了一个新应用程序。客户希望在即将到来的星期五上线该应用程序。他想请求 Apple App Store 审查团队尽快审查该应用程序。我们如何在 iTunes Connect 中执行此操作?


Expedite iOS app review to less than 24 hours

您可以在 Expedited App Review 内提交您的应用程序,苹果最多 24 天发布您的应用程序 hours.but 您只能通过两种方式提交您的应用程序。


If you've submitted an update to fix a critical bug in your app on the App Store and you are requesting an expedited review, be sure to include the steps to reproduce the bug on the current version of your app


For apps associated with an event, When submitting your request, it's important to include the event, date of the event, and your app's association with the event.

一些附加信息请参阅 this

Steps to implement the Expedited App Review


  • 使用您的 iOS Developer Account credentials

  • 登录 iTunes Connect
  • 滚动到 iTunes Connect webpage 底部并单击 Contact Us

第 2 步

  • SelectApp ReviewApp Store ReviewRequest Expedited Review,然后selectRequest an Expedited App Review.


  • 填写要求的信息并点击Submit将您的要求发送给Apple!他们将审核并回复请求,并告知您他们是否能够加快审核您的应用程序!