如何在 Denodo 5.5 的嵌入式 tomcat 容器中安装 Denodo OData 服务?

How do I install the Denodo OData service in the embedded tomcat container in Denodo 5.5?

我想将自定义 OData 服务安装到 Denodo 5.5 中的嵌入式 Tomcat Web 容器中。

我发现 Denodo 提供的说明有些令人困惑,因此我发布到 Whosebug 并包括答案,希望其他人发现它有用。

关闭 Denodo

sleep 15
ps -ef | grep denodo | grep -v grep

获取 Denodo OData Service.zip

下载 Denodo OData Service.zip 文件并将其解压缩到 /tmp,这样您就可以:


'Install' OData 服务

# copy the war file to the webapps folder
cp /tmp/denodo-odata2-service-5.5-20160129/denodo-odata2-service-5.5.war $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/webapps/

# Copy the odata xml to the embedded tomcat container
cp /tmp/denodo-odata2-service-5.5-20160129/scripts/denodo-odata2-service-5.5.xml $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/DenodoPlatform-5.5/localhost/

# Copy the startup/shutdown scripts to the bin folder
cp /tmp/denodo-odata2-service-5.5-20160129/scripts/*.sh $DENODO_HOME/bin
chmod u+rwx $DENODO_HOME/bin/odata*.sh

# change the DENODO_HOME directory in the $DENODO_HOME/bin/odata*.sh scripts
vi $DENODO_HOME/bin/odata_service_startup.sh   # look for DENODO_HOME and update it
vi $DENODO_HOME/bin/odata_service_shutdown.sh  # look for DENODO_HOME and update it


# Add a reference to the Denodo JAR in the catalina.properties file
vi $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/catalina.properties
# Look for shared.loader
# Add this to the end of the shared.loader line:

# update the server.xml.template file to include a JNDI resource by putting the following in the <GlobalNamingResources> section
vi $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml.template

<Resource name="jdbc/VDPdatabase"
    username="admin" password="***********"
    initialSize="5" maxWait="5000"
    maxActive="120" maxIdle="5"
    validationQuery="select * from dual()"

# Change the permissions on server.xml.template so other people can't read your denodo admin password:
chmod go-rwx $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml.template
chmod go-rwx $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml

# update the context.xml to point to the JNDI resource in and also add the properties to the <Context> section (add all of the below to the <Context> section)
vi $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/context.xml

<ResourceLink name="jdbc/VDPdatabase"

<Environment type="java.lang.String" name="odataserver.address" value="/denodo-odata.svc"/>
<Environment type="java.lang.Integer" name="server.pageSize" value="1000"/>
<Environment type="java.lang.Boolean" name="enable.adminUser" value="true"/>


# wait for Denodo and Tomcat to start

# deploy/start the odata webapp

# Go to 
(but change "databasename" to your virtual database name)


由于您现在使用的是嵌入式 Tomcat 网络容器并且其中包含 odata 服务 运行,因此每次 stop/start Denodo 时您还需要 stop/start OData 服务

正在停止 Denodo

  1. 首先,通过$DENODO_HOME/bin/odata_service_shutdown.sh
  2. 停止OData服务
  3. 然后通过$DENODO_HOME/bin/vqlserver_shutdown.sh
  4. 停止Denodo

启动 Denodo

  1. 首先,通过 $DENODO_HOME/bin/vqlserver_startup.sh
  2. 启动 Denodo
  3. 然后,通过$DENODO_HOME/bin/odata_service_startup.sh
  4. 启动OData服务


如果您不想让管理员用户通过 odata 访问,请更改 $DENODO_HOME/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/context.xml 文件中的设置并重新启动。