SolidBrush.Clone 抛出异常

SolidBrush.Clone throws exception

我正在使用不同类型的笔刷,例如 SolidBrushHatchBrush 等...,在我的 windows 表单控件中绘制复杂的形状和文本。我使用的代码是,

protected void FillShape(Brush myBrush, GraphicsPath shape)
            if (myBrush is SolidBrush)
                using (SolidBrush sbr = myBrush.Clone() as SolidBrush)
                    //Code for drawing with solid brush
            else if (myBrush is HatchBrush)
                    //Code for drawing with hatch brush
            else if (myBrush is LinearGradientBrush)
                    //Code for drawing with linear gradient brush
            else if (myBrush is PathGradientBrush)
                    //Code for drawing with path gradient brush

有时,行 myBrush.Clone() 会抛出 ArgumentException。我在 MSDN link 中搜索了 SolidBrush.Clone() 方法,但没有关于任何异常的信息 SolidBrush.Clone

所以,我在下面linkReference code for SolidBrush class



public override object Clone() 
            IntPtr cloneBrush = IntPtr.Zero;

            int status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipCloneBrush(new HandleRef(this, this.NativeBrush), out cloneBrush);

            if (status != SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.Ok)
                throw SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.StatusException(status);

            // We intentionally lose the "immutable" bit.

            return new SolidBrush(cloneBrush);

很明显,Clone 方法可能会抛出异常,但我无法确定它何时或为何会抛出异常,因为这段代码不是我的。





您可以确定它实际上是 Clone() 抛出异常还是处置。如果您尝试处置或更改 SystemBrush,则会发生异常:

SystemBrushes.Control.Dispose(); // ArgumentException: Changes cannot be made to Brush because permissions are not valid.


((Brush) SystemBrushes.Control.Clone()).Dispose(); // OK

所以,如果您认为这是问题所在,也许完全避免 Clone,例如:

    // instead of using clone, just make a new instance
    Brush myBrush = SystemBrushes.Control;
    if (myBrush is SolidBrush) {
        using (var nb = new SolidBrush(((SolidBrush) myBrush).Color)) {
            // ...