使用 ImageMagick 在一个正方形中组合多个图像并调整其大小

Combine and resize multiple images in a square using ImageMagick

所以我想创建一张由三张小图片组成的 3600x2280 大图片。第一个应调整为 1680x1050 并放置在左上角。第二个需要调整为 1920x1200 并立即放置在它的右侧(+1680 以上)。第三张图片应调整为 1920x1080 并放置在右下角 (+1680+1200)。左下角将只是 blank/transparent。


convert -define png:size=3600x2280 \( Photos/DSC05525-original.jpg -resize 1680x1050 \) -geometry +0+0 -composite \( Photos/Sydney-Loftus-Train-Station-original.jpg -resize 1920x1200 \) -geometry +1680+0 -extent 3600x2280 test.png

...但这会将第二张图片放在第一张图片上(我想是因为它不知道要延伸到最后?)。我已经尝试了 -composite、-gravity 和 +repage 的各种组合,但似乎找不到解决方案。


1.jpg => red
2.jpg => green (lime actually)
3.jpg => blue


convert -background none                               \
     1.jpg -resize 1680x1050!                          \
  \( 2.jpg -resize 1920x1200! \) +append               \
  \( 3.jpg -resize 1920x1080! -gravity east \) -append \

也就是说……"Leave all unpainted areas transparent. Resize image 1. Resize image 2 and place it to the right of image 1 (+append). Resize image 3 and align it East. Append that underneath images 1 and 2 (-append)."


convert -background none                  \
  \( 2.jpg -resize 1920x1200! \)          \
  \( 3.jpg -resize 1920x1080! \) -append  \
  \( 1.jpg -resize 1680x1050! \) +swap +append  result.png

也就是说……"Load and resize image 2. Load and resize image 3. Place image 3 underneath image 2 (-append). Load and resize image 1. Place image 1 before (+swap) image 2 in the image list. Now append the second image in the list to the right of the first (+append)."


convert -background none                                    \ 
    1.jpg -resize 1680x1050! -extent 3600x2280              \
 \( 2.jpg -resize 1920x1200! -geometry +1680 \)  -composite \
 \( 3.jpg -resize 1920x1080! -geometry +1680+1200 \) -composite result.png

也就是说……"Leave any unpainted areas transparent. Load image 1 resize it then extend the canvas to the full output size to accommodate subsequent images. Load image 2, resize, position and splat onto canvas. Load image 3, resize and splat onto canvas."



{ convert 1.jpg -resize 1680x1050! miff:- ;   \
  convert 2.jpg -resize 1920x1200! miff:- ;   \
  convert -size 1680x1 xc:none miff:- ;       \
  convert 3.jpg -resize 1920x1080! miff:- ; } | 
  montage -background none -geometry +0+0 -tile 2x2 miff:- result.png

也就是说……"Start a compound statement that will load and resize 4 images and send each of them as a MIFF (Magick Image File Format) to a montage command that will put them all together in 2x2 grid (-tile 2x2) with no spaces between them (-geometry +0+0)."