解析日期时间字符串中日期的序号指示符 (st, nd, rd, th)

Parsing a date’s ordinal indicator ( st, nd, rd, th ) in a date-time string

我检查了 SimpleDateFormat javadoc, but I am not able to find a way to parse the ordinal indicator 日期格式如下:

 Feb 13th 2015 9:00AM

我试过了"MMM dd yyyy hh:mma",但是天数必须是数字才能正确吗?

是否可以使用 SimpleDateFormat 解析“第 13 个”日期而不必截断字符串?

Java 的 SimpleDateFormat 不支持序数后缀,但序数后缀只是花哨的东西——它是多余的,可以很容易地删除以允许直接解析:

Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy hh:mma")
    .parse(str.replaceAll("(?<=\d)(st|nd|rd|th)", ""));



Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy hh:mma")
    .parse(str.replaceAll("(?<=\d)(?=\D* \d+ )\p{L}+", ""));

一些语言,例如普通话,在它们的序号指示符之前,但这也可以使用交替来处理 - 留作 reader :)


Java 8个答案(以及Java 6和7)(因为2015年问这个问题的时候,SimpleDateFormat的替换已经出来了):

    DateTimeFormatter parseFormatter = DateTimeFormatter
            .ofPattern("MMM d['st']['nd']['rd']['th'] uuuu h:mma", Locale.ENGLISH);
    LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeString, parseFormatter);



在格式模式中,[] 表示可选部分,'' 表示文字部分。所以该模式表示数字后面可能跟有 stndrdth.

要在 Java 6 或 7 中使用它,您需要 ThreeTen Backport. Or for Android ThreeTenABP.

因为这些后缀是英文特有的,而其他的languages/locales写日期和时间的用法完全不同(而且他们不使用AM/PM),我相信除非你有其他的要求,您应该尝试仅针对英语日期和时间实施此操作。此外,您还应该明确提供一个说英语的语言环境,这样它就可以独立于您的计算机或 JVM 的语言环境设置工作。

我已经尝试通过 Hugo and myself to a duplicate question. Under that duplicate question 将答案的最佳部分结合起来,还有更多 java 8 个答案。上述代码的一个局限性是它没有非常严格的验证:你将摆脱 Feb 13rd 甚至 Feb 13stndrdth.

编辑:在我对序数指标的回答中,我最喜欢的是 this one。它是关于格式化的,但我在那里展示的格式化程序也可以很好地解析。

如果有人觉得它有用:DateTimeFormatter 生成器。此格式化程序允许您格式化和解析带有序数后缀的英国日期(例如“2017 年 1 月 1 日”):

public class UkDateFormatterBuilder
     * The UK date formatter that formats a date without an offset, such as '14th September 2020' or '1st January 2017'.
     * @return an immutable formatter which uses the {@link ResolverStyle#SMART SMART} resolver style. It has no override chronology or zone.
    public DateTimeFormatter build()
        return new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
                .appendText(DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonthMapping())
                .appendLiteral(' ')
                .appendText(MONTH_OF_YEAR, monthOfYearMapping())
                .appendLiteral(' ')
                .appendValue(YEAR, 4)

    private Map<Long, String> monthOfYearMapping()
        Map<Long, String> monthOfYearMapping = new HashMap<>();
        monthOfYearMapping.put(1L, "January");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(2L, "February");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(3L, "March");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(4L, "April");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(5L, "May");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(6L, "June");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(7L, "July");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(8L, "August");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(9L, "September");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(10L, "October");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(11L, "November");
        monthOfYearMapping.put(12L, "December");
        return monthOfYearMapping;

    private Map<Long, String> dayOfMonthMapping()
        Map<Long, String> suffixes = new HashMap<>();
        for (int day=1; day<=31; day++)
            suffixes.put((long)day, String.format("%s%s", (long) day, dayOfMonthSuffix(day)));
        return suffixes;

    private String dayOfMonthSuffix(final int day)
        Preconditions.checkArgument(day >= 1 && day <= 31, "Illegal day of month: " + day);
        if (day >= 11 && day <= 13)
            return "th";
        switch (day % 10)
            case 1:  return "st";
            case 2:  return "nd";
            case 3:  return "rd";
            default: return "th";


public class UkDateFormatterBuilderTest
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = new UkDateFormatterBuilder().build();

    public void shouldFormat1stJanuaryDate()
        final LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2017, 1, 1);

        final String formattedDate = date.format(formatter);

        Assert.assertEquals("1st January 2017", formattedDate);

    public void shouldParse1stJanuaryDate()
        final String formattedDate = "1st January 2017";

        final LocalDate parsedDate = LocalDate.parse(formattedDate, formatter);

        Assert.assertEquals(LocalDate.of(2017, 1, 1), parsedDate);

PS。我从这里使用 Greg Mattes 的序数后缀解决方案: How do you format the day of the month to say "11th", "21st" or "23rd" in Java? (ordinal indicator)

您应该使用 RuleBasedNumberFormat。它工作完美并且尊重语言环境。