
Need to call multiple EJBs based on the input string

我有一个 pojo class,其中我必须根据输入字符串调用多个 ejb。例如,如果输入是 x,我必须调用 XServiceBean,如果是 Y,我必须调用 YServiceBean。 我计划在数据库或 xml 中参数化输入字符串 x 和相应的服务 bean。我不想放置多个 if 条件或 switch case 来根据输入字符串调用服务 bean。

有没有什么简单的模式可以用来实现这个。如果你能举一些例子会很有帮助 谢谢

Main class 您可以在其中 运行 作为 java 进行测试

package stack;

public class ServiceInit

   public static void main(String[] args)
       new ServiceInit();

   public ServiceInit()
       ServiceBeanInterface xbean = ServiceFactory.getInstance().getServiceBean("X");


       ServiceBeanInterface ybean = ServiceFactory.getInstance().getServiceBean("Y");


returns 您要调用的 bean 的服务工厂

package stack;

public class ServiceFactory

 * you can do it with factory and class reflection if the input is always the prefix for the service bean. 
private static ServiceFactory instance;

// the package name where your service beans are
private final String serviceBeanPackage = "stack.";

private ServiceFactory()


public static ServiceFactory getInstance()
    if (instance == null)
        instance = new ServiceFactory();
    return instance;

public ServiceBeanInterface getServiceBean(String prefix)
    ServiceBeanInterface serviceBean = null;

        Class<ServiceBeanInterface> bean = (Class<ServiceBeanInterface>) Class
                .forName(serviceBeanPackage + prefix + "ServiceBean");

        serviceBean = bean.newInstance();
    catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e)
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return serviceBean;




package stack;

public interface ServiceBeanInterface
    void callService();

XServiceBean class

package stack;

public class XServiceBean implements ServiceBeanInterface

public void callService()
    System.out.println("I am X");


YServiceBean class

package stack;

public class YServiceBean implements ServiceBeanInterface

   public void callService()
       System.out.println("I am Y");