如何在 AutoSeededX917RNG 中重新生成值

How to regenerate values in AutoSeededX917RNG


static const unsigned int BLOCKSIZE = 5; 
byte scratch[ BLOCKSIZE ];

CryptoPP::AutoSeededX917RNG<CryptoPP::AES> rng;

std::cout << "The generated random block is:" << std::endl;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < BLOCKSIZE; i++ )
    std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0');
    std::cout << static_cast<unsigned int>( scratch[ i ] );
std::cout << std::endl;

How to regenerate values in AutoSeededX917RNG

你不能,因为你使用的是 AutoSeeded* 生成器。


I need to regenerate the pseuorandom values when I need them...

在那种情况下,我认为您只有两个选择 - LC_RNG(不安全)或 RandomPool(更安全,但存在差距)。两者都需要您使用相同的种子 来操作生成器以产生相同的比特流。

RandomPool是一个PGP风格的生成器,它的底层算法是MDC<SHA>它会在给定相同种子的情况下产生相同的比特流。它使用时间,因此它会为每个 运行(即使使用相同的种子)产生不同的流。

不要使用AutoSeeded*生成器,例如AutoSeededRandomPoolAutoSeededX917RNGAutoSeeded* 从 OS 的熵池中读取,然后用它读取的位作为生成器的种子。

另请参阅 Crypto++ wiki 上的 RandomNumberGenerator


UPDATE: RandomPool 使用时间(抱歉,我应该在推荐之前检查一下)。

可以使用OFB_Mode<T>::Encryption生成可重现的随机流。 Crypto++ 测试程序使用它(参见 test.cpp - 它是从 GlobalRNG() 返回的生成器)。示例如下所示。

SecByteBlock seed(32 + 16);
OS_GenerateRandomBlock(false, seed, seed.size());

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    OFB_Mode<AES>::Encryption prng;
    prng.SetKeyWithIV(seed, 32, seed + 32, 16);

    SecByteBlock t(16);
    prng.GenerateBlock(t, t.size());

    string s;
    HexEncoder hex(new StringSink(s));

    hex.Put(t, t.size());

    cout << "Random: " << s << endl;

OFB_mode<T>::Encryption can be used as a generator because OFB mode uses AdditiveCipherTemplate<T>,派生自 RandomNumberGenerator.

运行 它产生类似于下面的结果。

$ ./cryptopp-test.exe
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD
Random: DF3D3F8E8A21C39C0871B375013AA2CD


您还可以使用下面 AES_RNG.h 中的代码来创建基于 AES-256 的确定性生成器。如果提供相同的种子,它将产生相同的比特流。它比 OFB_Mode<T>::Encryption 更灵活一点,因为它可以接受任意大小的种子。


SecByteBlock seed(32);
OS_GenerateRandomBlock(false, seed, seed.size());

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    AES_RNG prng(seed, seed.size());

    SecByteBlock t(16);
    prng.GenerateBlock(t, t.size());

    string s;
    HexEncoder hex(new StringSink(s));

    hex.Put(t, t.size());

    cout << "Random: " << s << endl << endl;

其输出类似于下图。程序的每个 运行 都会不同,因为每个 运行 使用不同的种子(通过 OS_GenerateRandomBlock):

$ ./cryptopp-test.exe 
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812
Random: D9B48CB7D37C88BDF2A0B0022AB1A812


#include <cryptopp/cryptlib.h>
using CryptoPP::NotCopyable;
using CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation;
using CryptoPP::BlockCipher;

#include <cryptopp/secblock.h>
using CryptoPP::AlignedSecByteBlock;
using CryptoPP::FixedSizeSecBlock;

#include <cryptopp/smartptr.h>
using CryptoPP::member_ptr;

#include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
using CryptoPP::OS_GenerateRandomBlock;
using CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator;

#include <cryptopp/aes.h>
using CryptoPP::AES;

#include <cryptopp/sha.h>
using CryptoPP::SHA512;

class AES_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator, public NotCopyable
    explicit AES_RNG(const byte *seed = NULL, size_t length = 0)
    : m_pCipher(new AES::Encryption), m_keyed(SeedHelper(seed, length))

    bool CanIncorporateEntropy() const
        return true;

    void IncorporateEntropy(const byte *input, size_t length)
        m_keyed = SeedHelper(input, length, false);

    void GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, lword size)
        if (!m_keyed) {
            m_pCipher->SetKey(m_key, m_key.size());
            m_keyed = true;

        while (size > 0)
            size_t len = std::min((size_t)16, (size_t)size);
            target.ChannelPut(channel, m_seed, len);
            size -= len;

    // Sets up to use the cipher. Its a helper to allow a throw
    //   in the contructor during initialization.  Returns true
    //   if the cipher was keyed, and false if it was not.
    bool SeedHelper(const byte* input, size_t length, bool ctor = true)
        // 32-byte key, 16-byte seed
        AlignedSecByteBlock seed(32 + 16);
        SHA512 hash;

            memset(m_key, 0x00, m_key.size());
            memset(m_seed, 0x00, m_seed.size());

        if(input && length)
            // Use the user supplied seed.
            hash.Update(input, length);
            // No seed or size. Use the OS to gather entropy.
            OS_GenerateRandomBlock(false, seed, seed.size());
            hash.Update(seed, seed.size());

        hash.Update(m_key.data(), m_key.size());
        hash.TruncatedFinal(seed.data(), seed.size());

        memcpy(m_key.data(), seed.data() + 0, 32);
        memcpy(m_seed.data(), seed.data() + 32, 16);

        // Return false. This allows the constructor to complete
        //   before the pointer m_pCipher is used.
        return false;

    FixedSizeSecBlock<byte, 32> m_key;
    FixedSizeSecBlock<byte, 16> m_seed;    
    member_ptr<BlockCipher> m_pCipher;
    bool m_keyed;