将一个对象传递给 Default AppDomain,以从进程中创建的子 AppDomain 接收回调

Passing an object to receive callback from a child AppDomain created within a process to Default AppDomain


  1. 我正在从我的进程创建子应用程序域以加载程序集。
  2. 我可以调用这个 AppDomain。
  3. 我想将一个对象从我的默认进程 AppDomain 传递到这个新创建的 AppDomain,以接收来自新 AppDomain 中加载到我默认 AppDomain 的程序集的回调。

我找到的一种方法是使用 AppDomain.DoCallback 方法,但是不确定如何在子 AppDomain 中获取主机 AppDomain?


总体思路是将派生自 MarshalByRefObject class 的 class 实例传递给新创建的域。它将保证该对象将通过引用而非值进行编组。这意味着代理将传递给新域而不是原始对象(此代理将由 .NET 框架为您生成)。



public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var listener = new Listener();
        var otherDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("otherDomain");

        var instance = (Loader)otherDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName, typeof(Loader).FullName);

public class Loader 
    : MarshalByRefObject
    public void Init(Listener listener)
        Console.WriteLine($"[{nameof(Init)}] Hello from {AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName} domain");

public class Listener 
    : MarshalByRefObject
    public void Callback()
        Console.WriteLine($"[{nameof(Callback)}] Hello from {AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName} domain");


[Init] Hello from otherDomain domain
[Callback] Hello from Sandbox.vshost.exe domain

说明Init方法是在新域中执行的,但在原域中回调。现在再用 : MarshalByRefObject 和 运行 注释 2 行程序。这次 Listener 将按值传递给新域,结果将是:

[Init] Hello from Sandbox.vshost.exe domain
[Callback] Hello from Sandbox.vshost.exe domain

只需在主 AppDomain 中创建远程主机 object 并将其传递给新初始化的 child 域。每当 child 要向主机发送数据时,请使用此远程主机 object。

// This class provides callbacks to the host app domain.
// As it is derived from MarshalByRefObject, it will be a remote object
// when passed to the children.
// if children are not allowed to reference the host, create an IHost interface
public class DomainHost : MarshalByRefObject
    // send a message to the host
    public void SendMessage(IChild sender, string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message from child {sender.Name}: {message}");

    // sends any object to the host. The object must be serializable
    public void SendObject(IChild sender, object package)
        Console.WriteLine($"Package from child {sender.Name}: {package}");

    // there is no timeout for host
    public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
        return null;

我怀疑您创建的 children object 已经实现了一个接口,因此您可以从主域引用它们而无需加载它们的实际类型。在初始化时,您可以将主机 object 传递给它们,因此在初始化之后,您可以从 children.

public interface IChild
    void Initialize(DomainHost host);

    void DoSomeChildishJob();

    string Name { get; }


internal class MyChild : MarshalByRefObject, IChild
    private DomainHost host;

    public void Initialize(DomainHost host)
        // store the remote host here so you will able to use it to send feedbacks
        this.host = host;
        host.SendMessage(this, "I am being initialized.")

    public string Name { get { return "Dummy child"; } }

    public void DoSomeChildishJob()
        host.SendMessage(this, "Job started.")
        host.SendObject(this, 42);
        host.SendMessage(this, "Job finished.")


var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("ChildDomain");

// use the proper assembly and type name.
// child is a remote object here, ChildExample.dll is not loaded into the main domain
IChild child = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("ChildExample", "ChildNamespace.MyChild") as IChild;

// pass the host to the child
child.Initialize(new DomainHost());

// now child can send feedbacks