生成器方法中未定义 Moose 属性

Moose Attribute Not Defined in Builder Method

我正在使用 Moose 创建对象,但生成器方法“_initialize_log”无法检索名称属性的值。



package EFT;
use Moose;

# Attributes
has name => (
    is       => "ro",
    isa      => "Str",
    required => 1

has log => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'Str',
    builder => '_initialize_log'

sub _initialize_log
    $self->{'log'} = "****\n";
    $self->{'log'} .= $self->{'name'} . "\n";
    $self->{'log'} .= `date`;
    $self->{'log'} .= "****\n";



use strict;
use warnings;
use EFT;

# Constants
use constant NAME => 'Test Script';

# Create script object
my $script = EFT->new(name => NAME);

print $script->{'log'};


Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at EFT.pm line 46.

Thu Mar  3 12:54:31 EST 2016


lazy => 1

您也可以改用 BUILD 方法。

sub BUILD {
   my $self = shift;

请注意,您在 _initialize_log 中存在三个错误:

sub _initialize_log
    my $self = shift;              # <-- Won't even compile without this!
    my $log = "****\n";
    $log .= $self->name . "\n";    # <-- Removed reliance on Moose internals
    $log .= `date`;
    $log .= "****\n";
    return $log;                   # <-- The value is to be returned.

要从 BUILD 而不是作为生成器调用它,您需要按如下方式更改它:

sub _initialize_log
    my $self = shift;
    my $log = "****\n";
    $log .= $self->name . "\n";
    $log .= `date`;
    $log .= "****\n";
    $self->log($log);              # <--