如何获取 json 的一部分?

How do I get portions of a json?

我已经使用 jquery.get() 检索和存储对象,类型如下:

var cData = 

我需要保留我的结构但只获取集合中的数据。意思是,获取记录 0-3 或 4-10,诸如此类。我试过像这样使用 slice()

var newSet = cData.someitems.slice(0,4);

这在技术上可行,但我丢失了 json 的结构。

--- 编辑 --- 根据@meagar 请求:



您可以使用 splice 方法,该方法允许您就地修改数组:

var cData = 

cData.someitems.splice(0, 4); // This will remove the first 4 elements of the array

如果您想要前 3 项,您可以使用这个:

newnode = {"someitems" : cData.someitems.slice(0,3)}

这个问题的关键是 javascript 中没有深度克隆对象的标准方法,如果您希望对多个对象重复操作,最好这样做范围——同时仍然保持围绕这些修改的 JSON 结构。

显然设计以下内容是为了考虑到实际 JSON 数据可能比示例中使用的数据更复杂。

var cData = {
     "someitems": [
          {"id": 'a'},
          {"id": 'b'},
          {"id": 'c'},
          {"id": 'd'},
          {"id": 'e'}

/// there are better ways to clone objects, but as this is
/// definitely JSON, this is simple. You could of course update
/// this function to clone in a more optimal way, especially as
/// you will better understand the object you are trying to clone.
var clone = function(data){
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));

/// you could modify this method however you like, the key
/// part is that you make a copy and then modify with ranges
/// from the original
var process = function( data, itemRange ){
    var copy = clone(data);
    if ( itemRange ) {
        copy["someitems"] = data["someitems"].slice(
    return copy;

/// output your modified data
console.log(process(cData, [0,3]));


     "someitems": [
          {"id": 'a'},
          {"id": 'b'},
          {"id": 'c'}

... 如果您将 process(cData, [0,3]) 更改为 process(cData, [3,5]),您将得到:

     "someitems": [
          {"id": 'd'},
          {"id": 'e'}

NOTE: bear in mind that after the slice operation the new someitems array is re-indexed, so you will find {id: 'd'} at offset 0, and not 3