为什么通道 "Debug" 和 "Analytic" 不适用于我的 ETW-EventSource 实现?

Why are the channels "Debug" and "Analytic" not available for my ETW-EventSource implementation?

我正在使用 Microsoft EventSource Library 为我的 Web 应用程序实现日志记录机制。

这个库提供了四个日志事件通道:"Admin"、"Operational"、"Debug" 和 "Analytic"。管理员和操作频道工作正常,频道可见,我能够记录事件。


您可以在下面看到我的 EventSource 实现。此外,我还上传了完整的 Visual Studio 项目,包括控制台测试应用程序 here.

有谁知道为什么只有 Admin 和 Operational 可用?

public static partial class WebAppEventSourceHandler
    [EventSource(Name = "Company-MyProject-WebApp")]
    private sealed class WebAppEventSource : EventSource
        [Event(1, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Exception Type: [{1}] Exception Message: [{2}] Exception Stack Trace: [{3}] Inner Exception Type: [{4}] Inner Exception Message: [{5}] Inner Exception Stack Trace: [{6}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Admin, Level = EventLevel.Critical, Version = 1)]
        internal void UnhandledException(string instance, string exceptionType, string exceptionMessage, string exceptionStackTrace,
            string innerExceptionType, string innerExceptionMessage, string innerExceptionStackTrace)
            WriteEvent(1, instance, exceptionType, exceptionMessage, exceptionStackTrace, innerExceptionMessage,
                innerExceptionType, innerExceptionMessage, innerExceptionStackTrace);

        [Event(2, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Controller: [{1}] Action: [{2}] Client Message: [{3}] Server Message: [{4}] Parameter: [{5}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Admin, Level = EventLevel.Error, Version = 1)]
        internal void LogControllerActionError(string instance, string controller, string action,
            string clientSideMessage, string serverSideMessage, string parameter)
            WriteEvent(2, instance, controller, action, clientSideMessage, serverSideMessage, parameter);

        [Event(3, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Controller: [{1}] Action: [{2}] Client Message: [{3}] Server Message: [{4}] Parameter: [{5}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Operational, Level = EventLevel.Warning, Version = 1)]
        internal void LogControllerActionWarning(string instance, string controller, string action,
            string clientSideMessage, string serverSideMessage, string parameter)
            WriteEvent(3, instance, controller, action, clientSideMessage, serverSideMessage, parameter);

        [Event(4, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Controller: [{1}] Action: [{2}] Message: [{3}] Server Parameter: [{4}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Operational, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Version = 1)]
        internal void LogControllerActionInfo(string instance, string controller, string action,
            string message, string parameter)
            WriteEvent(4, instance, controller, action, message, parameter);

        [Event(5, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Controller: [{1}] Action: [{2}] Message: [{3}] Server Parameter: [{4}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Debug, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Version = 1)]
        internal void LogControllerActionDebug(string instance, string controller, string action,
            string message, string parameter)
            WriteEvent(5, instance, controller, action, message, parameter);

        [Event(6, Message = "Instance: [{0}] Controller: [{1}] Action: [{2}] Message: [{3}] Server Parameter: [{4}]",
            Channel = EventChannel.Analytic, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Version = 1)]
        internal void LogControllerActionAnalytic(string instance, string controller, string action,
            string message, string parameter)
            WriteEvent(6, instance, controller, action, message, parameter);

我使用这个 cmd 片段来注册事件源:

C:\CustomEventSources>wevtutil.exe im EventSourceExample.Company-MyProject-WebApp.etwManifest.man /rf:"C:\CustomEventSources\EventSourceExample.Company-MyProject-WebApp.etwManifest.dll" /mf:"C:\CustomEventSources\EventSourceExample.Company-MyProject-WebApp.etwManifest.dll"

来自 default the Analytic and Debug are disabled:

Analytic and Debug logs are disabled by default. When enabled, they can quickly fill with a large number of entries. For this reason, you will probably want to turn them on for a specified period to gather some troubleshooting data and then turn them off again. You can perform this procedure by using either the Windows interface or a command line.

你必须manually show them in the Eventviewer options:

  1. Start Event Viewer.
  2. Click the View menu. If Show Analytic and Debug Logs is selected, Analytic and Debug logs are already visible. No further action is required. If Show Analytic and Debug Logs is not selected, select Show Analytic and Debug Logs to make these logs visible.