从多个 HTTP 请求中提取和累积结果

Extracting and accumulate result from multiple HTTP request

这几天遇到了一个无法解决的问题。我正在执行多个 http 请求,在每个响应中,它应该有一个 Array[DTAnnotation]。我想将所有结果列表累积成一个(这不是这里的问题)。我的问题是我无法 return 来自 WSResponse 的结果。我的尝试:

import mymodel.{DTFeatures, DTResponse, DTRequest, DTAnnotations}

def checkForSpike
    awsKey : String,
    collection : JSONCollection,
    record : Record,
    features : Array[DTFeatures]
  ) : Unit = {
  val url = config.getString("url").getOrElse 
  val holder = WS.url(url)
  val complexHolder =
  // excepting result is List[Array[DTAnnotations]] 
  val test : List[Array[DTAnnotations]] = 
  for(feature <- features) yield {
    val dtFeature = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(DTRequest(feature)))
    val futureResponse = complexHolder.post(dtFeature)
    Logger.info("Make the HTTP POST Request in " + (t1 - t0) + " msecs")
    futureResponse.map { response =>
      Logger.info("Get response in " + (System.currentTimeMillis - t1))
      if(response.status == 200) {
        response.json.validate[DTResponse].map { dtResponse =>
          // I want to return this 
        }.recoverTotal { _ =>
          Logger.debug("invalid json")
      } else {
        Logger.debug(Json.prettyPrint(Json.obj("status" -> response.status, "body" -> response.body)))
        Await.result(futureResponse, 10.seconds)

因为响应是 Future,我尝试添加一个 Await 来获取注释,但我在输入阶段有一个错误:

[error]  found   : Array[play.api.libs.ws.WSResponse]
[error]  required: List[Array[DTAnnotation]]



def checkForSpike
    awsKey: String,
    collection: JSONCollection,
    record: Record,
    features: Array[DTFeatures]
  ): Unit = {
    val url = config.getString("url").getOrElse
    val holder = WS.url(url)
    val complexHolder =
      holder.withHeaders(("Content-Type", "application/json"))
    // excepting result is List[Array[DTAnnotations]]
    val test: List[Array[DTAnnotations]] =
      for (feature <- features.toList) yield {
        val dtFeature = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(DTRequest(feature)))
        val futureResponse = complexHolder.post(dtFeature)
        val futureAnnotations: Future[Array[DTAnnotations]] = futureResponse.map { response =>
          if (response.status == 200) {
            response.json.validate[DTResponse].map { dtResponse =>
              // I want to return this
            }.recoverTotal { _ =>
              Logger.debug("invalid json")
              ??? // An Array response should be expected, maybe empty
          } else {
            Logger.debug(Json.prettyPrint(Json.obj("status" -> response.status, "body" -> response.body)))
            ??? // An Array response should be expected, maybe empty

        Await.result(futureAnnotations, 10.seconds)


  • 如果您希望列表成为要素,则必须将要素转换为列表 由 for comprehension
  • 返回
  • 未来响应地图returns 另一个未来,这个值应该用在 Await
  • 为了确保 futureAnnotations 的类型在所有分支中都是正确的,类型应该是有效的