了解 .NET 中的等待和异步

Understanding await and async in .NET

我正在重构使用 Bootstrap 协议更新机器中多个节点固件的代码。当前代码看起来像这样(伪代码):

public void StartUpdate()
    Sokcet bootpSocket = new Socket():
    StateObject bootpState = new StateObject(bootpSocket);


    while (!IsError && !IsUpdateComplete)
        //wait for BOOTP/Update to finish before returning to caller

private void BOOTPReceive(object state)
    bOOTPSocket.BeginReceive(PACKET_DATA, 0, PACKET_DATA.Length, 0, OnBOOTPReceive, state);

    //create and send magic packet
    // this will tell the node to respond with a BOOTPPacket

private void OnBOOTPReceive(IAsyncResult result)
    StateObject state = (StateObject) result.AsyncState;
    Socket handler = state.workSocket;
    int bytesRcvd = handler.EndReceive(result);
    packet = PACKET_DATA;

        BOOTPReceive(); //keep listening for valid bootp response

private void SendBOOTPResponse()
    UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
    udpClient.BeginSend(packetData, packetData.Length, BROADCAST_IP, (int)UdpPort.BOOTP_CLIENT_PORT, OnBOOTPSend, udpClient);

private void OnBOOTPSend(IAsyncResult result)
    UdpClient udpClient = (UdpClient)result.AsyncState;
    int bytesSent = udpClient.EndSend(result);

我想做的是将其转换为 async-await,但仍然要求我不要立即 return 返回给调用者。我该怎么做呢?这可能吗?由于 await-async 一直传播到顶部,这是正确的做法吗?


public void StartUpdate()
    bool result = await SendMagicPacket();
    bool IsError = await BOOTPCommunication(); //Handles all of the BOOTP recieve/sends
    //don't return to caller until BOOTPCommunication is completed. How do i do this?


public async Task StartUpdate()
        var resultTask =  SendMagicPacket();
        var isErrorTask = BOOTPCommunication(); //Handles all of the BOOTP recieve/sends

        await Task.WhenAll(new[]{resultTask, isErrorTask});
        //don't return to caller until BOOTPCommunication is completed. How do i do this?

//wait for BOOTP/Update to finish before returning to caller

您根本不需要任何异步 IO,因为您想等到所有操作都完成。我假设您已经复制了一些示例代码。大多数示例代码使用异步套接字 API。

将所有内容切换到同步套接字 API,您就完成了。

如果你出于某种原因想要保持异步,你确实可以切换到 await 并解开这段代码。您发布的伪代码看起来是个不错的目标。不过,它强制周围方法为 async Task


Radin 走在了正确的轨道上,但我想你想要的是这样的:


public async Task StartUpdate()
    var resultTask =  SendMagicPacket();
    var isErrorTask = BOOTPCommunication(); //Handles all of the BOOTP recieve/sends

    Task.WhenAll(new[]{resultTask, isErrorTask}).Wait(); //Wait() will block so that the method doesn't return to the caller until both of the asynchronous tasks complete.

允许同时触发 SendMagicPacket 和 BOOTPCommunication,但要等待两者完成。使用该模式,您可以同时触发 N 个事件,同时使用 Wait() 等待所有事件完成,以便方法本身 returns 同步。