如何匹配括号来解析 S 表达式?

How to Match Parenthesis to Parse a S-Expression?


假设代码输入为“(a 1 2 (b 3 4 5 (c 6) |7) 8 9)” 管道在哪里| symbol为光标位置,

函数returns: 一个字符串 "b 3 4 5 (c 6) 7" 代表游标范围内的代码

表示字符串相对于输入的起始索引的 int 8

一个 int 30 表示字符串相对于输入的结束索引

我已经有了 returns 完全一样的工作代码。然而,问题在于忽略注释,同时跟踪上下文(例如字符串文字、我自己的文字分隔符等)。


public static void applyContext(Context context, String s, String snext, String sprev) {
        if (s.equals("\"")) {
            if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN) {
                context.context = Context.Contexts.STRING;
                context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote = true;
            } else if (context.context == Context.Contexts.STRING && context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote && !sprev.equals("\"))
                context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;
        } else if (s.equals("\'")) {
            if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN) {
                context.context = Context.Contexts.STRING;
                context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote = false;
            } else if (context.context == Context.Contexts.STRING && !context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote && !sprev.equals("\""))
                context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;
        } else if (s.equals("/") && snext.equals("/")) {
            if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN)
                context.context = Context.Contexts.COMMENT;
        } else if (s.equals("\n")) {
            if(context.context == Context.Contexts.COMMENT)
                context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;
        else if (s.equals("\")) {
            if(context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN)
                context.context = Context.Contexts.PATTERN;
            else if(context.context == Context.Contexts.PATTERN)
                context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;


String sampleCode = "(a b "cdef" g \c4 bb2 eb4 g4v0.75\)";
Context c = new Context(Context.Contexts.MAIN);
for(int i = 0; i < sampleCode.length(); i++) {
    String s = String.valueOf(sampleCode.charAt(i));
    String snext = *nullcheck* ? String.valueOf(sampleCode.charAt(i + 1)) : "";
    String sprev = *nullcheck* ? String.valueOf(sampleCode.charAt(i - 1)) : "";
    applyContext(c, s, snext, sprev);
    if(c.context == blahlbah) doBlah();


function returnCodeInScopeOfCursor(theWholeCode::String, cursorIndex::int) {
  var depthOfCodeAtCursorPosition::int = getDepth(theWholeCode, cursorIndex);
  Context c = new Context(getContextAt(theWholeCode, cursorIndex));

  var currDepth::int = depthOfCodeAtCursorPosition;
  var startIndex::int, endIndex::int;

  for(i = cursorIndex; i >= 0; i--) {//going backwards
    s = .....
    snext = ......
    sprev = ......
    applyContext(c, s, snext, sprev);

    if(c.context == Context.MAIN) {
       if s = "(" then currDepth --;
       if s = ")" then currDepth ++;

    when currDepth < depthOfCodeAtCursorPosition
      startIndex = i + 1;

  currDepth = depthOfCodeAtCursorPosition;//reset
  for(i = cursorIndex; i < theWholeCode.length; i++) {//going forwards
    s = ...
    applyContext(c, s, snext, sprev);

    if(c.context == Context.MAIN) {
      if s = "(" then currDepth ++;
      if s = ")" then currDepth --;

    when currDepth < depthOfCodeAtCursorPosition
      endIndex = i - 1;

  var returnedStr = theWholeCode->from startIndex->to endIndex

  return new IndexedCode(returnedStr, startIndex, endIndex);

如您所见,此函数正向和反向都有效。或者至少是大部分。唯一的问题是,如果我向后使用这个函数,正确的评论扫描(用标准的 ECMA 双斜杠“//”表示)就会变得混乱。

如果我要为反向上下文应用程序创建一个单独的函数并递归地检查每一行是否有双斜杠,然后使“//”之后的所有内容成为注释(或在函数使用的方向上,所有内容 before that //), 它会占用太多处理时间,因为我想将其用作音乐的实时编码环境。

此外,在尝试执行该 returnCodeInScopeOfCursor 方法之前删除注释可能不可行...因为我需要跟踪代码的索引等等。如果我要删除评论,所有代码位置都会一团糟,并跟踪我在哪里删除了确切的内容以及删除了多少个字符等...... 我正在使用的文本区域输入 GUI (RichTextFX) 不支持 Line-Char 跟踪,因此仅使用字符索引跟踪所有内容,因此出现问题...


您能否将评论从 // This is a comment<CR> 预先转换为 { This is a comment}<CR>,这样您就拥有了一种可以向后 前进的语言。

在进来的路上应用这个转换,在出去的路上反转它,一切都应该很好。请注意,我们将 //... 替换为 {...},以便保留所有字符偏移量。

无论如何,在对 Old Curmudgeon 的想法进行了一些试验之后,我想出了一个单独的函数来反向获取代码的上下文。

public static void applyContextBackwards(Context context, String entireCode, int caretPos) {
        String s = String.valueOf(entireCode.charAt(caretPos));
        //So far this is not used
        //String snext = caretPos + 1 < entireCode.length() ? String.valueOf(entireCode.charAt(caretPos + 1)) : "";
        String sprev = caretPos - 1 >= 0 ? String.valueOf(entireCode.charAt(caretPos - 1)) : "";

        //Check for all the flags and what not...
        if(context.commentedCharsLeft > 0) {
            if(context.commentedCharsLeft == 0)
                context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;//The comment is over
            context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;
            context.expectingEndOfString = false;
        if(context.expectingEndOfPattern) {
            context.context = Context.Contexts.MAIN;
            context.expectingEndOfPattern = false;

        //After all the flags are cleared, do this
        if(context.commentedCharsLeft == 0) {
            if (s.equals("\"")) {
                if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN) {
                    context.context = Context.Contexts.STRING;
                    context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote = true;
                } else if (context.context == Context.Contexts.STRING && context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote && !sprev.equals("\"))
                    context.expectingEndOfString = true;//Change the next char to a MAIN, cuz this one's still part of the string
            } else if (s.equals("\'")) {
                if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN) {
                    context.context = Context.Contexts.STRING;
                    context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote = false;
                } else if (context.context == Context.Contexts.STRING && !context.stringDelimiterIsADoubleQuote && !sprev.equals("\""))
                    context.expectingEndOfString = true;//Change the next char to a MAIN, cuz this one's still part of the string
            } else if (s.equals("\n")) {

                int earliestOccuranceOfSingleLineCommentDelimiterAsDistanceFromThisNewLine = -1;//-1 for no comments

                //Loop until the next \n is found. In the process, determine location of comment if any
                for(int i = caretPos; i >= 0; i--) {
                    String curr = String.valueOf(entireCode.charAt(i));
                    String prev = i - 1 >= 0 ? String.valueOf(entireCode.charAt(i - 1)) : "";

                        break;//Line has been scanned through

                    if(curr.equals("/") && prev.equals("/"))
                        earliestOccuranceOfSingleLineCommentDelimiterAsDistanceFromThisNewLine = caretPos - i;

                //Set the comment context flag
                //If no comments, -1 + 1 will be 0 and will be treated as no comments.
                context.commentedCharsLeft = earliestOccuranceOfSingleLineCommentDelimiterAsDistanceFromThisNewLine + 1;
                if(earliestOccuranceOfSingleLineCommentDelimiterAsDistanceFromThisNewLine > 0) {
                    context.context = Context.Contexts.COMMENT;
            } else if (s.equals("\")) {
                if (context.context == Context.Contexts.MAIN)
                    context.context = Context.Contexts.PATTERN;
                else if (context.context == Context.Contexts.PATTERN)
                    context.expectingEndOfPattern = true;//Change the next char to a MAIN cuz this one's still part of the Pattern