Javascript 从 Txt 文件随机排列数组

Javascript Shuffle Array from Txt File

我希望从文本文件中提取 5 "random" 行而不重复任何行。文本文件中的每一行都有 html 代码,这些代码将被插入到侧边菜单中。我已经阅读了 Fisher–Yates shuffle,但不确定如何以这种方式将其与 javascript 合并。目前我有以下抛出错误:

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
    var i = 0;
    // get the file contents
    var fileContent = this.responseText;
    // split into lines
    var fileContentLines = fileContent.split( '\n' );

    var target = document.getElementById( 'random-testimonial' );
    var targetHTML = target.innerHTML;

    while ( i < 5 ) {
        // get a random index (line number)
        var randomLineIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * fileContentLines.length );
        // extract the value
        var randomLine = fileContentLines[ randomLineIndex ];

        // add the random line in a div if not duplicate            
        if ( ! targetHTML.contains(randomLine) ) {
            targetHTML += randomLine;
            i += 1;

    target.innerHTML = targetHTML;
}; 'GET', 'content.txt', true );

<div id="random-content"><script src="content.js"></script></div>


content.js:19 未捕获类型错误:targetHTML.contains 不是 functionrequest.onload @ content.js:19

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
    var i = 0;
    // get the file contents
    var fileContent = this.responseText;
    // split into lines
    var fileContentLines = fileContent.split( '\n' );

    var target = document.getElementById( 'random-testimonial' );

    var HTMLLines = [];

    while ( i < 5 ) {
        // get a random index (line number)
        var randomLineIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * fileContentLines.length );
        // extract the value
        var randomLine = fileContentLines[ randomLineIndex ];

        // add the random line if not duplicate            
        if ( HTMLLines.indexOf(randomLine) === -1) {
            i += 1;

    target.innerHTML = HTMLLines.join('\n');
}; 'GET', 'content.txt', true );

好的,Fisher-Yates 洗牌的工作方式是

  • 从输入数组
  • 中获取随机索引r
  • 从输入数组复制元素r到输出数组
  • 从输入数组中删除元素 r
  • 重复n次,其中n是输入数组的长度


我将浏览一个小陷阱:该算法不应改变输入数组。相反,它应该保持输入数组不变,并 return 一个新数组,它是输入数组的随机副本。 (您可以在下面的我的实现中看到这是如何完成的)。

所以知道 Fisher-Yates 是如何工作的,在你的情况下,我们不必洗牌 整个 数组,因为你事先知道你只想要 N 元素.


var fileContent = this.responseText;
var fileContentLines = fileContent.split( '\n' );

好的,完美。您已经定义了输入数组 fileContentLines。现在让我们创建一个函数来从中抽取一些随机元素

// fisher-yates sample
// • sample n elements from xs
// • does not mutate xs
// • guarantees each sampled element is unique
function sample (n,xs) {
  function loop(i, output, input, len) {
    if (i === n) return output;                   // loop exit condition
    let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);      // rand number between 0 and len
    return loop(                                  // continue loop
      i + 1,                                      // increment loop counter
      output.concat(input[r]),                    // copy element r from input
      input.slice(0,r).concat(input.slice(r+1)),  // remove element from input
      len - 1                                     // decrement length
  return loop(0, [], xs, xs.length);              // begin loop


// sample 3 random inputs from numbers 1 through 10
console.log(sample(3, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])); //=> [9,7,5]


var result = sample(5, fileContentLines);
console.log(result); // ...


// get rand number between 0 and n
function rand(x) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * x);

// splice of xs at index i
// • return a new output array
// • does not mutate xs
function del(i,xs) {
  return xs.slice(0,i).concat(xs.slice(i+1));

// fisher-yates sample
// • sample n elements from xs
// • does not mutate xs
// • guarantees each sampled element is unique
function sample (n,xs) {
  function loop(i, output, input, len) {
    if (i === n) return output;       // loop exit condition
    let r = rand(len);                // rand number between 0 and len
    return loop(                      // continue loop
      i + 1,                          // increment loop counter
      output.concat(input[r]),        // copy element r from input
      del(r,input),                   // remove element from input
      len - 1                         // decrement length
  return loop(0, [], xs, xs.length);  // begin loop

// fisher-yates shuffle
// • does not mutate xs
function shuffle(xs) {
  return sample(xs.length, xs);


// generate random number between 0 and 10 (exclusive)
console.log(rand(10)); //=> 5

// delete 2nd letter from letters a through d
console.log(del(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])); // => ['a', 'c', 'd]

// sample 3 random inputs from numbers 1 through 10
console.log(sample(3, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])); //=> [9,7,5]

// shuffle entire input array
console.log(shuffle([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])); //=> [8,9,1,3,7,6,10,5,4,2]

你有它:4 个功能,价格为 1。在我看来,这是一种更好的解决问题的方法,因为每个函数都可以单独使用,因此可以在多个地方使用。拥有大量可重用的小功能将大大减少您将来必须做的工作量。


function createParagraph(text) {
  var p = document.createElement('p');
  p.innerHTML = text;
  return p;

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {

  var fileContent = this.responseText;
  var fileContentLines = fileContent.split('\n');
  var target = document.getElementById('random-testimonial');

  sample(5, fileContentLines).map(function(testimonial) {
    var p = createParagraph(testimonial);
};'GET', 'content.txt', true);

PS 我强烈建议您为 ajax 请求编写可重用的函数,或者更好的是,使用库。手工编写它们非常麻烦且容易出错。大多数人使用 jQuery but lately I've been reaching for axios