无法读取空 Javascript 购物车的 属性 'push'

Cannot read property 'push' of null Javascript Shopping Cart

我已经休息了关于如何使用 javascript 构建购物车的在线教程,现在当我想将第一个项目添加到购物车时遇到错误。 我得到


无法读取 属性 'push' of null

并且代码正在尝试将项目添加到购物车数组列表 我尝试调试代码,我可以看到数组中有值,但仍然出现错误


// add item to the cart with name , price , count 
    function addItem(name , price , count)
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart 
            if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name we want to enter with the name in cart
                    cart[i].count += count;
        var item = new Item (name , price , count);

        cart.push (item);// **getting an error in here** 
        saveCart ();



    <title>Shopping Cart</title>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>
  <h1>Shopping Cart</h1>  
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="apple" data-price="1.22">Apple</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="orange" data-price="2.22">Orange</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="banana" data-price="3.22">Banana</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="kiwi" data-price="4.22">Kiwi</a></li>
        <button id="cleareCart">Clear Cart</button>
        <ul id="showCart"></ul>

            var name = $(this).attr("data-name");
            var price = Number($(this).attr("data-price"));
            addItem(name , price, 1);
    function displayCart ()
        var CartArray = listCart ();
        var outPut = "";
        for (var i in CartArray)
                outPut += "<li>"+CartArray[i].name+" "+ CartArray[i].count+"</li>"

    //******************************************Javascript/// shopping cart functions 
var cart =[];// this is array that contain all the shopping cart item
    // we need to display:
    /*name ,price,count, id */
    var Item =function (name , price , count)// add item to the cart array 
        this.name = name
        this.price = price
        this.count = count
    /*Cart Functions : what are cart need to do 

     load the cart ()// load from localstorage 
    // add item to the cart with name , price , count and id of the item
    function addItem(name , price , count)
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart 
            if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name we want to enter with the name in cart
                    cart[i].count += count;
        var item = new Item (name , price , count);

        cart.push (item);
        saveCart ();

    //remove the item from the cart with name, price , count , id  (one item only)
    function removeItemFromCart (name, count)
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart
                if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name of the item with the item in cart
                        cart[i].count = cart[i].count-count;
                        if (cart[i].count === 0 )
        saveCart ();
    //remove the item from cart all (name) this will remove all of the item name
    function removeAllItem (name)// remove all of the one item from cart (if the count is more than one )
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart
                if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name of the item with the item in cart
        saveCart ();
    function clareCart ()// remove everything from the cart
        cart = [];
        saveCart ();
    function countCart ()// return the total cumber of the items in the cart
        var totalCount = 0 ;
        for (var i in cart )
                totalCount += cart[i].count; 
        return totalCount;
    function totalCartCost ()
        var totalCost = 0 ;
        for (var i in cart )
                totalCost += cart[i].price;
        return totalCost;
    function listCart ()//array of items  // array of the cart that we can use to generate HTML
        var cartCopy = [];
        for (var i in cart)
                var item = cart[i];
                var itemCopy = {};
                for (var p in item)
                        itemCopy[p] = item[p];
                cartCopy.push (itemCopy);
        return cartCopy;
    function saveCart ()// localstorage 
        localStorage.setItem("testCart", JSON.stringify(cart));
    function loadCart ()// load the cart 
        cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("testCart"));
    //addItem('', null , null );
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 1);
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 1);
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 3);
   // addItem('orange',1.22 , 3);

   // console.log(cart);
   // console.log(cart);
   // console.log (countCart()) ;

    //console.log (listCart());

    var Array = listCart();
    console.log (Array);


我看了 5 天代码后发现了我自己的问题

  function loadCart ()// load the cart 
        cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("testCart"));


load cart 正在尝试加载 Json 文件,但该文件尚不存在,因此没有 cart 所以它给我一个错误


        function loadCart ()// load the cart 
        cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("testCart"));
         if (cart === null) {
             cart = [];


    <title>Shopping Cart</title>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>
  <h1>Shopping Cart</h1>  
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="apple" data-price="1.22">Apple</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="orange" data-price="2.22">Orange</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="banana" data-price="3.22">Banana</a></li>
            <li><a class ="addtoCart" href="#" data-name="kiwi" data-price="4.22">Kiwi</a></li>
        <button id="cleareCart">Clear Cart</button>
        <ul id="showCart"></ul>

            var name = $(this).attr("data-name");
            var price = Number($(this).attr("data-price"));
            addItem(name , price, 1);
    function displayCart ()
        var CartArray = listCart ();
        var outPut = "";
        for (var i in CartArray)
                outPut += "<li>"+CartArray[i].name+" "+ CartArray[i].count+"</li>"

    //******************************************Javascript/// shopping cart functions 
var cart =[];// this is array that contain all the shopping cart item
    // we need to display:
    /*name ,price,count, id */
    var Item =function (name , price , count)// add item to the cart array 
        this.name = name
        this.price = price
        this.count = count
    /*Cart Functions : what are cart need to do 

     load the cart ()// load from localstorage 
    // add item to the cart with name , price , count and id of the item
    function addItem(name , price , count)
        if(cart == null)
            cart = [];
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart 
            if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name we want to enter with the name in cart
                    cart[i].count += count;
        var item = new Item (name , price , count);

        cart.push (item);
        saveCart ();

    //remove the item from the cart with name, price , count , id  (one item only)
    function removeItemFromCart (name, count)
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart
                if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name of the item with the item in cart
                        cart[i].count = cart[i].count-count;
                        if (cart[i].count === 0 )
        saveCart ();
    //remove the item from cart all (name) this will remove all of the item name
    function removeAllItem (name)// remove all of the one item from cart (if the count is more than one )
        for (var i in cart)// loop the cart
                if (cart[i].name === name)// check the name of the item with the item in cart
        saveCart ();
    function clareCart ()// remove everything from the cart
        cart = [];
        saveCart ();
    function countCart ()// return the total cumber of the items in the cart
        var totalCount = 0 ;
        for (var i in cart )
                totalCount += cart[i].count; 
        return totalCount;
    function totalCartCost ()
        var totalCost = 0 ;
        for (var i in cart )
                totalCost += cart[i].price;
        return totalCost;
    function listCart ()//array of items  // array of the cart that we can use to generate HTML
        var cartCopy = [];
        for (var i in cart)
                var item = cart[i];
                var itemCopy = {};
                for (var p in item)
                        itemCopy[p] = item[p];
                cartCopy.push (itemCopy);
        return cartCopy;
    function saveCart ()// localstorage 
        localStorage.setItem("testCart", JSON.stringify(cart));
    function loadCart ()// load the cart 
        cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("testCart"));
    //addItem('', null , null );
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 1);
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 1);
   // addItem('apple',1.22 , 3);
   // addItem('orange',1.22 , 3);

   // console.log(cart);
   // console.log(cart);
   // console.log (countCart()) ;

    //console.log (listCart());

    var Array = listCart();
    console.log (Array);

我刚在第 60 行添加

if(cart == null)
    cart = [];

