没有重载或泛型的 C# 多参数类型
C# Multiple Argument Types without Overloading or Generics
例如,考虑以下情况。写出 Outer() 的每个重载变体都是重复的,但我在这里看不到使用泛型的方法,因为可能的输入类型不共享适用于 Inner() 的任何有意义的超类型。
private int Inner(int a) { /*do something*/ }
private int Inner(string a) { /*do something*/ }
private int Inner(string[] a) { /*do something*/ }
public int Outer(int a, int b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(int a, string b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(int a, string[] b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(string a, int b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
// et cetera...
Inner(a) + Inner(a) 是打错了吗?应该是内(a)+内(b)?
您可以连接两个整数,添加两个字符串,连接一个字符串和一个 int,将一个 int 添加到 ascii 字符数组,而字符串数组只会使问题复杂化。
如果您愿意放弃编译时检查,您可以创建 1 个 public 方法和 2 个对象类型的参数。
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(Outer(1, "s"));
Console.WriteLine(Outer("1", "s"));
private static int FindInner<T>(T value)
var type = (from x in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetTypes()
where x.BaseType.IsGenericType && x.BaseType == typeof(IInnerManager<>).MakeGenericType(value.GetType())
select x).Single();
return ((IInnerManager<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(type)).Inner(value);
public static int Outer<T1, T2>(T1 a, T2 b) { return FindInner(a) + FindInner(b); }
public abstract class IInnerManager<T> { public abstract int Inner(T t); }
public class InnerInt : IInnerManager<int> { public override int Inner(int t) { return 1; } }
public class InnerString : IInnerManager<string> { public override int Inner(string t) { return 2; } }
public class InnerStringArray : IInnerManager<string[]> { public override int Inner(string[] t) { return 3; } }
public class AggregatedResult<T>
private readonly T _value;
public AggregatedResult(T value)
this._value = value;
pulbic T Value
return this._value;
public static implicit operator T(AggregatedResult<T> item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(item));
return item.Value;
public class MyAggregatedResult : AggegatedResult<Int32>
public MyAggregatedResult(Int32 value) : : base(value)
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(int a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 1); }
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(string a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 2); }
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(string[] a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 3);}
var value = new MyAggregatedResult(100);
Console.WriteLine(value.WithInner("").WithInner(new String[0]).Value);
它易于扩展并提供方便的 fluent interface。
如果你需要相同的,但对于 `void` 方法
public class ActionAggregate
private readonly ActionAggregate _parent;
private readonly Action _action;
public ActionAggregate()
{ }
public ActionAggregate(Action action, ActionAggregate parent)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(action));
if (parent == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(parent));
this._action = action;
this._parent = parent;
public void Invoke()
var ancestorsAndSelfFromTheTop = this.GetSelfAndAncestors().Reverse();
foreach (var item in ancestorsAndSelfFromTheTop)
if (item._action != null)
private IEnumerable<ActionAggregate> GetSelfAndAncestors()
var cur = this;
yield return cur;
cur = cur._parent;
while (cur != null);
public class MyActionAggregate : ActionAggregate
public MyActionAggregate()
{ }
public MyActionAggregate(Action action, ActionAggregate parent) : base(action, parent)
{ }
public MyActionAggregate With(Int32 value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was an int value of '{value}'"),
parent: this);
public MyActionAggregate With(String value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was a string value of '{value}'"),
parent: this);
public MyActionAggregate With(String[] value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was a string[] value of '{String.Join(", ", value)}'"),
parent: this);
public class BusinessObject
public MyActionAggregate GetActionRoot()
return new MyActionAggregate();
var obj = new BusinessObject();
.With(new[] { "1", "2", "3" })
例如,考虑以下情况。写出 Outer() 的每个重载变体都是重复的,但我在这里看不到使用泛型的方法,因为可能的输入类型不共享适用于 Inner() 的任何有意义的超类型。
private int Inner(int a) { /*do something*/ }
private int Inner(string a) { /*do something*/ }
private int Inner(string[] a) { /*do something*/ }
public int Outer(int a, int b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(int a, string b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(int a, string[] b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
public int Outer(string a, int b)
Inner(a) + Inner(b);
// et cetera...
Inner(a) + Inner(a) 是打错了吗?应该是内(a)+内(b)?
您可以连接两个整数,添加两个字符串,连接一个字符串和一个 int,将一个 int 添加到 ascii 字符数组,而字符串数组只会使问题复杂化。
如果您愿意放弃编译时检查,您可以创建 1 个 public 方法和 2 个对象类型的参数。
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(Outer(1, "s"));
Console.WriteLine(Outer("1", "s"));
private static int FindInner<T>(T value)
var type = (from x in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetTypes()
where x.BaseType.IsGenericType && x.BaseType == typeof(IInnerManager<>).MakeGenericType(value.GetType())
select x).Single();
return ((IInnerManager<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(type)).Inner(value);
public static int Outer<T1, T2>(T1 a, T2 b) { return FindInner(a) + FindInner(b); }
public abstract class IInnerManager<T> { public abstract int Inner(T t); }
public class InnerInt : IInnerManager<int> { public override int Inner(int t) { return 1; } }
public class InnerString : IInnerManager<string> { public override int Inner(string t) { return 2; } }
public class InnerStringArray : IInnerManager<string[]> { public override int Inner(string[] t) { return 3; } }
public class AggregatedResult<T>
private readonly T _value;
public AggregatedResult(T value)
this._value = value;
pulbic T Value
return this._value;
public static implicit operator T(AggregatedResult<T> item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(item));
return item.Value;
public class MyAggregatedResult : AggegatedResult<Int32>
public MyAggregatedResult(Int32 value) : : base(value)
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(int a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 1); }
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(string a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 2); }
public MyAggregatedResult WithInner(string[] a) { /*do something*/ return new MyAggregatedResult(this.Value + 3);}
var value = new MyAggregatedResult(100);
Console.WriteLine(value.WithInner("").WithInner(new String[0]).Value);
它易于扩展并提供方便的 fluent interface。
如果你需要相同的,但对于 `void` 方法
public class ActionAggregate
private readonly ActionAggregate _parent;
private readonly Action _action;
public ActionAggregate()
{ }
public ActionAggregate(Action action, ActionAggregate parent)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(action));
if (parent == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(parent));
this._action = action;
this._parent = parent;
public void Invoke()
var ancestorsAndSelfFromTheTop = this.GetSelfAndAncestors().Reverse();
foreach (var item in ancestorsAndSelfFromTheTop)
if (item._action != null)
private IEnumerable<ActionAggregate> GetSelfAndAncestors()
var cur = this;
yield return cur;
cur = cur._parent;
while (cur != null);
public class MyActionAggregate : ActionAggregate
public MyActionAggregate()
{ }
public MyActionAggregate(Action action, ActionAggregate parent) : base(action, parent)
{ }
public MyActionAggregate With(Int32 value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was an int value of '{value}'"),
parent: this);
public MyActionAggregate With(String value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was a string value of '{value}'"),
parent: this);
public MyActionAggregate With(String[] value)
return new MyActionAggregate(
action: () =>
Console.WriteLine($"There was a string[] value of '{String.Join(", ", value)}'"),
parent: this);
public class BusinessObject
public MyActionAggregate GetActionRoot()
return new MyActionAggregate();
var obj = new BusinessObject();
.With(new[] { "1", "2", "3" })